I decided five years ago to change profession and to attend college. I want the change but geting there is not easy. I thought that I would have accomplished this goal at least two years ago but that did not happen. However, I am in the race until I cross the finish line. Along the journey there have been days of triumps and days with challenges and with each day I try to find something to be thankful for. Today, I am half-way on my journey to the finish line. I have met many caring people along the way, and I am thankful for them.
When I am weak I draw strength from my Creator and from my family and friends support system. I cannot make it without my connection to my Creator and with my support system. When I feel like I cannot meet a deadline I remember why I started this race in the first place and knowing "why" keeps me going one day at time. I have a passion for what I am studying for right now and I have family members who are depending on me and that is why I must finish this race.
Today, I am not feeling well and I have deadlines to meet and I must take care of myself and keep on this journey until I win. If you notice I said until I win becasue I am in this race to win. Yes, challenges will come but I will overcome them and stay in this race until I win.
I pray that you will remain in your race also and overcome the challenges until you emerge a winner.
Be Blessed,