Monday, October 25, 2010

Be Thankful in a Fast Pace World

Approximately fifty minutes ago I was outside where it was cold, windy, and  rainy. It is so pleasant to be indoors, where it is warm and cozy, on this cold fall night. I am a bit tired and my back aches but I am inside. I am grateful that I have a roof over my head, clothes on my back, food to eat, and most importantly I have my Creator and a wonderful family. And I cannot forget my friends, my neighbors, my church family, near and far, and all the wonderful people who will read this post. Although life can be challenging at times let us make a decision to be thankful for what we have and think less on what we do not have. This does not mean that you should stop working towards your goal; it simply means that you place your focus more on been thankful for what you have.

So for the next three minutes just close your eyes and be thankful for what you do have. You will find that a grateful attitude will help you feel less stressful in this fast pace world.

Regardless of the socioeconomic status in which you find yourself you may be in a position to help someone who is less fortunate than yourself. If you are able to share your time or your possessions with those that are less fortunate please do so. I am sure you will not have to look far to find people who need a helping hand.

May you find total relaxation as you have an attitude of thankfulness and may you find peace and happiness as you share with others.

Be Blessed,


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

You Are a Special Vessel

I wrote this peom in 2003, and it was published in "Theatre of the Mind." I hope you receive some form of encouragement from this poem.

You are a special vessel from the creator's hand
You were specially made to be a member of earth's band
Your purpose is well defined
Your troubles are all behind
So take one step at a time
Keep your eyes on your goal
Don't shatter your soul
Remember your role
Hold your head high
Never take a sigh
Cast down negative criticism
Never harbor pessimism
Keep moving forward
Never look backwards
Rest if you must
Never make a fuss
For in due time
You will reach your destination without hesitation

It is my prayer that you will keep reaching for your goals. Keep in the race until you win. Problems do not last forever and whatever you are facing I pray that you will have the strength to place it in perspective and remind yourself that this too will past. May your today bring you peace and comfort and remember that the sun will shine again.

Be blessed


Monday, October 18, 2010

One Day At A Time

I am very thankful for my family and friends. I am also thankful for time even though some days it seem like I do not have enough time to do the things that I chose to do. The key word here my friends is "chose." I cannot find time some days because I chose to fill "My to do List" with more things than I can manage. I am in the process of learning to cut back on the many things that I chose to do. I am making a list of six things daily and four of those six things need to be done and the other two things can go over to the next day; however, if I can get all six things done without causing myself unnecessary stress then I will get them done. My most important things for each day will be prioritized and will be done according to importance. I must try to live in the present and to live one day at a time. Life's journey is too interesting to miss out on the experience. I do not want to reach the end of my days and look over my life and realize that I did not take time to enjoy life's journey.

I have made a conscious decision to take time each day to enjoy the gift of life. Therefore, making a daily Me Plan is very important. There are times when we are so busy taking care of others, which is a good thing but do it in moderation, and we forget ourselves. So each day let us do something special just for us. We can plan for ourselves activities such as that twenty minute meditation time, get your nails done, read a chapter from a book, go for a walk, listen to music, go out for lunch, or visit the zoo. Whatever you decide to do remember you are equally important and you need to take care of you!!!

Be Blessed,


Sunday, October 3, 2010

Reminisce of a College Road Trip Part 1


It was a summer evening in 2008, and my teenage daughter who was in the 11th Grade planned movie time for the family. She chose the movie entitled, College Road Trip, starring Martin Lawrence, Raven-Symone, and Brenda Song. The movie was funny and we enjoyed it immensely. After the movie, my daughter asked me and her dad if we could give her a college road trip the following year to the college of her choice. Her dad and I told her that we would not be able to drive because we do not like long distance driving. Her dad even mentioned his frequent back and shoulder pain as deterrent to driving long distances. I mentioned how my hands hurt whenever I drive far distances. In other words we had many excuses why we were unable to go on a college road trip. My daughter told us that a college road trip with her parents would mean the world to her. I then started thinking that if we had a third driver maybe the road trip would be a reality. So, I called my son to ask him if he could help us drive on a college road trip with his sister, and my son just started to laugh and told me that he did not like driving long distances and would not be able to help us. At that time we had an idea of the city in which my daughter would attend college even though she did not get her acceptance letter as yet. With only my husband and I as drivers I did not believe a college road trip would be possible and I told my daughter that we would not be able to take her on a college road trip; however, she was told that her father would travel with her by airplane to check out her dream college. I really believe that was the end of the college road trip but things were unfolding behind the scene and what would happen in 2009, I believe happened because a teenager refused to give up her dream even when she was told “no” by her parents and continued to believe in faith that a college road trip was possible.

During February, 2009, my husband accompanied our daughter, on an airplane, to visit her dream college in New York City. A couple months later the acceptance letter from her dream college was among the acceptance letters from other colleges. My daughter jumped for joy and she could not stop speaking about her dream college. We were very happy for her and we supported her decision and at the same time I was a bit apprehensive because she had received more scholarships from other colleges. She was not interested in the other colleges. Her heart was set on going to her dream school; subsequently, she would be the one spending four years of her life studying and why not spend it at a place that she wants to go to.

Graduation day came in June, 2009, and it was a beautiful ceremony. Relatives came from out of town and family and friends from close to home attended the Graduation Ceremony. I was proud of my daughter and I was so grateful to be alive to see that day. I had serious complications due to pregnancy after having her so I view each day as a special gift from God.

We were busy shopping for college and before we know it summer was almost gone and it was almost time for us to accompany our daughter to college, not on a road trip because we were going to fly on an airplane. Somehow, I had procrastinated in purchasing the airline tickets and I even forgot to check a favorite airline that I take on trips. So, while I was looking for tickets at the last moment the prices of tickets kept going up by the hour and I finally made the decision that probably a college road trip may be cheaper. I approached my husband and told him that I believe a college road trip would be cheaper and if we take the truck we would be able to carry everything our daughter needs for college, and we would not have to buy anything in New York. After sometime of trying to convince my husband to see the benefits from a college road trip he finally agreed to make the trip. Neither of us had driven more than 600 miles at any one time and now both of us were planning to travel over 2,300 miles to New York City. My daughter was extremely happy when we told her that we would drive her to college. She then told us that she had prayed to God for a college road trip with her parents and the decision to drive her was the answer to her prayers.Her Her

Friday, October 1, 2010

A Beautiful Day

I woke up this morning with joy in my heart. I rushed to look through the window at the beautiful trees with their red, yellow, and green leaves. Every tree looked so pretty and reminded me that the world is a beautiful place. I am so thankful to be part of God's wonderful creation. I am grateful for the sky above and although it is somewhat overcast I can still see the beauty of this vast creation. I stopped to think of my neighbors and the community that I live in and I am thankful for the  peace that I enjoy in my neighborhood. I will not take this peace for granted because it came by with the sacrifice of many brave men and women.

As I was writing this post I heard the siren of an ambulance, and I stopped writing to pray for the person that the ambulance is going for and also for the friends and family of that person that will be picked up by the ambulance. You see, we are all together in this journey of life and it is important that we care about all people and not just the people that we know personally.

So, for all of you that may read this post or may just look at my page I pray that your day will be blessed. May all your plans for today be fulfilled. May you have peace in abundance and may you show someone today that you care for them.

Be Blessed,
