Saturday, January 29, 2011

Becoming a Better You

We live in a constantly changing world. There are no two days that are exactly alike. We are bombarded everyday with numerous stressors; therefore, it is imperative that we take care of ourselves so that we can manage the stress in our lives. If we do not learn how to manage the stressors in our lives we may become ill from these stressors. Stress can cause diseases such as heart disease and respiratory complications.We may do the same exact things on a daily basis but the world around is changing and there are numerous opportunities for us to become a better person who is able to cope with the events in our lives.

How can we improve ourselves so that we can cope with the stressors in our lives? To improve ourselves we must examine ourselves and identify our strengths and our weaknesses. After identifying our weaknesses, we need to formulate a plan that will help us strengthen our weak areas. Example: If Mary is always late for work, she needs to work on time management that will allow her to leave her home earlier so that she can be at work on time.We also need to take inventory of the stressors in our lives and reflect on how we are dealing with these stressors. Are we using stress interventions to help us cope with the stressors in our lives? If we do not have stress interventions in place to lessen the effects of stress on our lives we need to start identifying stress interventions that we can use when we are stressed.

Here are some stress interventions that you can use to help lessen the effects of  stress in your life:

  • Breathing Meditation
  • Guided Imagery
  • Having an attitude of gratitude
  • Dancing
  • Singing/listening to music
  • Walking/jogging
  • Positive self-talk
  • Saying no to added workload when you know that you cannot manage any more task (Greenberg, 2009).
I encourage you to make a decision to use some of the above-mentioned stress interventions in your life before you feel stress or at any point that you feel stressed. Stress interventions have been proven through research studies to lessen the effects of stress in people (Greenberg, 2009).

I pray that you will take the necessary steps to manage the stressors in your life on a daily basis so that you can live your best life.

    You may start using stress interventions right now by having an attitude of gratitude.


Greenberg, J. S. (2009). Comprehensive Stress Management (11th ed). New York, NY: McGraw.

Liveyourdreammentors (2010, June 6). Attitude of Gratitude - Law of Attraction thank you quotes (Video file). Retrieved from

Be Blessed,


Saturday, January 22, 2011

What do you do when your Mountain Seems Impossible to Climb?

In the Bible story of David and Goliath it appears as if David had taken on an impossible fight. Goliath was not only a giant but he had experience fighting in the Philistine Army. Who was David? He was a shepherd boy who believed that with God all things are possible.  When David challenged Goliath for a fight he knew that he was already victorious even though to the natural eyes it appears that he could not win. This story is widely known, and we know that at the end of the fight Goliath was dead and David was still standing. In life many of us are faced with giants or mountains of problems that appear impossible to solve; however, if we keep fighting with the help of God and have the right mindset we can overcome our giants and climb our mountains.

What mountain are you facing today? Is it a mountain of sickness, debt,or relationship problems? Whatever mountain you are facing  I am encouraging you to stay in the fight until you win.

In order to obtain strength to face your mountain you need to be connected to a Higher Source. For me, my Higher Source is the God of heaven. I talk to Him about all my problems. I draw strength from His Words that are found in the Bible. I am encouraged by the Words that I read in the Bible. I know and believe that with God all things are possible. I believe that with my Creator I can climb my mountain.

I cannot emphasize enough that a support system is very important. We all need other people in our lives. Not everyone is good for us; however, we can all find people who will support us. We can find these people in our family and friend groups, at church, at school, at work, or in organizations that counsel and help people. A support system is there to listen to us, give advice when necessary, and to help in other ways such as watching a child, accompanying us to buy clothes to wear for that interview, going to court with us, visiting us in the hospital, and watching a movie with us.

To successfully climb your mountain you first must have climbed it in your mind. You have to see yourself on the mountain top. You have to know that climbing your mountain is possible. You must be determined to stay in your fight until you win. You have to make up your mind that defeat is not an option and failure is a stepping stone to success. Therefore, if you know that you are in the will of God for your life then you cannot give up if you fail. You may have to rethink and use a different approach but you must continue until you cross the finish line.

I pray that you will be strengthened and that you will know in your mind that you are a winner. I pray that your mountain of problems will be removed in the name of Jesus. Amen.

I leave you with this song: I Am Still Standing by Bishop Paul Morton

Be Blessed,


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Missing My Daughter

This morning, I said goodbye to my beautiful daughter at the airport before she checked in to board a flight back to the city where she attends college. I walked with her to check in her bag and watched her as she goes through security check. This time I did not cry even though I missed her very much. I am now looking forward to her visit during spring break.

She was home for about three weeks and I was very grateful and happy to have her home. We talked a lot while she was home and we enjoyed activities at home and outside the home.

Already, I missed hearing her calling for me and inviting me to watch something with her on her computer. She likes to plan events for the family and I will be missing that for awhile until she returns in the spring. I also miss her laughter and her singing; however, I will still hear those on Skype or by telephone.

Today, I am thankful for the three weeks that my daughter spent at home and for all the activities that we shared. I am also thankful for the opportunity that she has to attend college. I am thankful for the media of Skype, Facebook, and the telephone that will help us to stay connected.

This Prayer is for You my Lovely Daughter:

Dear God in the name of Jesus, I pray that You will continue to protect my daughter and to walk her in Your divine purpose for her life. I pray that You will bless her in every area of her life. I pray that you will continue to give her strength as she serves you in the areas that You have placed her. May she continue to love and trust You all the days of her life. Amen.

To My Readers:

If you are missing a love one that is some distances away I pray that you will be comforted and that you will make time to stay in touch with each other. I also pray that you will be able to see your love ones as much as possible.

I would like to share this song that my daughter and I love: Stand by Donny McClurkin

Be Blessed,


Sunday, January 9, 2011

6 Tips to Help You Find a Job

Although the unemployment rate is decreasing there are still many people without jobs. During 2009, when unemployment was at a record high in my state, I was blessed to transfer from my former job to a new position. Below are 6 tips that I personally used:

1. I updated my resume and only included details that were relevant to the job that I was applying for. I had a cover letter that was tailored to the position I was seeking.

2. I seached company websites that advertised the position I was interested in and submitted my resume electronically. I went to companies and picked up application forms and hand delivered the completed forms to the companies. I enquired from people about openings at their work places.

3. I applied for all openings within a company that related to the job that I was seeking.

4. I studied everything that was important about the companies that I applied to. The mission statement and core values of the company are important to know, and any accreditation that the company received.

5. I read articles on interviews so that I would be fully prepared for an interview.

6. I prayed and believed that I had a job by faith.

I hope you find the above-mentioned tips useful in your search for a job. After applying for about three positions in the company that I now work for, I told one of my friends that I did not hear from the organization. She then encouraged me to keep on applying for the positions each time they posted them. I followed her suggestion and about a month after I was invited for an interview and was offered my current position. After I accepted the position at my present company, I was invited to three more companies for interviews and I respectfully turned down the interviews.

Even in hard times you can get a job. Keep on searching until you are hired. I wish you all the best in all your endeavours.

Until the next post I encourage you to listen to Les Brown, a well known motivational speaker.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Hold On Help is on the Way

The story of Ted Williams the homeless man who was pan-handling in Columbus, Ohio is very inspiring, and shows that anyone can have a positive change to challenging situations. Williams was out asking for help as usual when the right person stopped and recorded his voice and placed it on YouTube and that was the beginning of fame and the end of his struggles. Since his story aired he has been offered many jobs. I am very happy that Williams received another chance to better his life. Not everyone will experience instant fame like Williams; however, with hard work and the right strategies we may be able to change or eliminate our negative circumstances. If you are going through rough times I am encouraging you to hold on and continue to seek help to get out of your circumstances. Help may be just around the corner so never give up.

I can remember years ago in Jamaica when I sent my son with $20.00 to purchase items at a corner grocery store and he lost the money on his way to the store. After losing the money my son rushed home to tell me about losing the $20.00. I then accompanied my son to search for the money. Night was falling and it was hard to see as we retraced his steps to the shop. We looked for a long time for the money and did not find it. Upon  reaching a corner in the road we felt exhausted and we were going to go back home; however, we decided that we would look for the money around the corner and then return home. I can remember this incident as if it happened today. As we went around the corner and the road straightened we saw the $20.00 laying on the road. We were very happy that we had decided to look for the money some more. Without this decision we would have never found the money that was laying only a few feet from where we almost quit the search. This story has been a source of inspiration for me and my family, especially when we experience challenging situations. Remembering this event helps us to continue to fight through our circumstances until we are successful.

Today, if you are experiencing tough times I am encouraging you to hold on and to never give up. Use all the resources that are available to you to get your problem resolved. Do not let embarrassment about your situation hold you back from getting help. If Williams did not hold up his sign about his talented voice and use that talent that he had as he pan-handled he may not have risen from homelessness and deprivation.

As long as you are breathing there is hope for your situation and help is on the way. Stay in your fight until you win. You may need to change your strategy if what you have tried before did not work. Learn to encourage yourself by using self-talk.  Also talk to people who are apart of your support system. Stay positive as you work to change your circumstances.

Be encouraged by others who have successfully resolved their challenges. There is hope for you too. Never give up. Help is just around the corner.

           Ted Williams got another chance in life. Your chance is on its way:

                          Remember to hold on because help is on the way.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

5 Ways to Identify Your Dream Job

There are some people who are passionate about their jobs because they chose to work in fields that they absolutely love; however, there are others who are working in jobs that they hate and are only going to work because they believe that they would not be able to survive economically if they quit those jobs. Unfortunately, for these individuals going to work can be very stressful and some of these people are having stress related illnesses such as heart disease and respiratory problems. If you hate your job you may want to formulate a plan on how you can transition from your present job to a career that you are passionate about. You may need to start taking classes that will qualify you for your dream job. If you like working on the computer and you are an independent learner then online classes may be right for you. I know a few people who have taken all the classes for their majors online and were able to change careers. One of these people include a college professor who did all of her classes online.

Although some people have jobs that are right for them they are unhappy working in positions that are best for them because they have negative attitudes. These people need to have a grateful attitude and be thankful for their jobs and the many benefits they obtain from their employers. Examples: These people could be thankful for earning a paycheck biweekly, having affordable health insurance for themselves and their families, and working at locations that are close to their homes. These persons need to write down all the things that are related to their jobs that they are thankful for and placed a list of these things in a place where they can see them on a daily basis. If these individuals read this list out loud they may develop a grateful attitude and may eventually love going to work.

On the other hand, there are other people who do not know how to find the job that they were created to do. I believe that each person has a specific job to do on earth, even if a person is multi-talented. I also believe in multiple streams of income but I believe that each person has a specific purpose on earth and when he or she finds that purpose he or she will be truly happy on the job and will give 100 percent at all times.

Here are 5 Ways to Identify Your Dream Job:

1. Pray to your Creator and asked Him to help you identify the career choice that is right for you.

2. Conduct a self-examination and identify the things that you are good at doing, and write these things down. Next identify the one thing that you love doing above all others.

3. Also Identify the one thing that you would be willing to do for free and you would be totally happy doing it even if you did not earn any money.

4. Ask friends and relatives to help you identify the things that you do well. Relatives and friends who have known you for a while are usually able to recognize your gifts and talents.

5. Educate yourself on what you need to know in order to obtain your dream job. Then work hard and accomplish your dream career.

I pray that you will take the necessary steps to walk in your purpose, so that you will be counted among the people who have found their dream jobs.

I encourage you to take a few minutes to listen to Pastor Joel Osteen:

With God all things are possible.

Be Blessed,


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Overcoming Challenging Situations

For many people the year 2010, was a very challenging one. Many people had lost their jobs; and as a result, these people lost many of their possessions such as their homes and cars. Some individuals were not in a position to adequately provide for the basic needs of their family. Some of these people might have lost hope in life and are feeling a sense of despair. Therefore, I am here to inform them that there is hope for their situations because they are still counted among the living. I would like to encourage these individuals to continue to seek solutions for their problems until they are triumphant.

If you are one of those people who have entered 2011, feeling hopeless because you are still facing challenging situations such as unemployment, I am encouraging you not to give up. You may need to do some things differently from what you were doing in 2010, but you must keep on trying to resolve your challenges until you are victorious.

To become an overcomer you have to be an overcomer in your mind before it becomes reality. "... Faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen" (Hebrews 11: 1). Whatever you have prayed and hoped for faith is the evidence or the warranty deed that you have what you have prayed for. Also, it is important to know that "... faith without works is dead"  (James 2: 20). For example, if you are without a job you should be seeking a job, see yourself with the job that you are seeking, and believing that you have a job by faith.

If you are feeling hopeless I would also encourage you to fill your mind with words of hope. I have found words of hope in the Bible, which is my first favorite book, and I have also found words of hope in other books such as "The Power of Positive Thinking."  Words of hope will help to strengthen your faith as you work on overcoming your challenges. Whenever you feel discouraged you can encourage yourself with Words such as: "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength" (Phil. 4: 13).

It is also important to have positive people in your life who may be able to encourage you to hold on while you deal with your circumstances. These people can also be very good listeners if you have a need to talk. It is also imperative that you seek help if you need help.

Also having an attitude of gratitude is very helpful in taking our minds off our circumstances and focus our minds on being thankful.  Yes, you may be going though rough times but if you look at your life you can find something to be thankful for. You can be thankful that you are alive. You can be thankful that you are in your right mind. You can be thankful that you live in a free country. You can be thankful for family and friends. Just look around and you may be amazed at how many things you can be thankful for.

My prayer for you  for 2011, is that you will overcome your challenges. I pray that this year will be the best year of your life. I pray that whatever your circumstances are they will be resolved this year. I pray that you will have the peace of God and that you may experience His unconditional love in your life. I also pray that your mind will be renewed and that you will live in hope and all your heart desires will become reality!!

I leave you with this song: He Will Do It Again, by Shirley Caesar.

Be Blessed,
