Saturday, January 29, 2011

Becoming a Better You

We live in a constantly changing world. There are no two days that are exactly alike. We are bombarded everyday with numerous stressors; therefore, it is imperative that we take care of ourselves so that we can manage the stress in our lives. If we do not learn how to manage the stressors in our lives we may become ill from these stressors. Stress can cause diseases such as heart disease and respiratory complications.We may do the same exact things on a daily basis but the world around is changing and there are numerous opportunities for us to become a better person who is able to cope with the events in our lives.

How can we improve ourselves so that we can cope with the stressors in our lives? To improve ourselves we must examine ourselves and identify our strengths and our weaknesses. After identifying our weaknesses, we need to formulate a plan that will help us strengthen our weak areas. Example: If Mary is always late for work, she needs to work on time management that will allow her to leave her home earlier so that she can be at work on time.We also need to take inventory of the stressors in our lives and reflect on how we are dealing with these stressors. Are we using stress interventions to help us cope with the stressors in our lives? If we do not have stress interventions in place to lessen the effects of stress on our lives we need to start identifying stress interventions that we can use when we are stressed.

Here are some stress interventions that you can use to help lessen the effects of  stress in your life:

  • Breathing Meditation
  • Guided Imagery
  • Having an attitude of gratitude
  • Dancing
  • Singing/listening to music
  • Walking/jogging
  • Positive self-talk
  • Saying no to added workload when you know that you cannot manage any more task (Greenberg, 2009).
I encourage you to make a decision to use some of the above-mentioned stress interventions in your life before you feel stress or at any point that you feel stressed. Stress interventions have been proven through research studies to lessen the effects of stress in people (Greenberg, 2009).

I pray that you will take the necessary steps to manage the stressors in your life on a daily basis so that you can live your best life.

    You may start using stress interventions right now by having an attitude of gratitude.


Greenberg, J. S. (2009). Comprehensive Stress Management (11th ed). New York, NY: McGraw.

Liveyourdreammentors (2010, June 6). Attitude of Gratitude - Law of Attraction thank you quotes (Video file). Retrieved from

Be Blessed,



  1. I love this post, Joy!

    It's so hard to sit back and identify your strengths and weaknesses. But, we have to try if we're going to improve!


  2. Wonderfully and flawlessly written, as always! You just know how to put down stuff that will make people read then think. As for myself, being positive is always my key.

    Have a marvelous day! (:

    Sanny's Head to Heart

  3. Joy,

    Please update your blog some more! I'm always looking for some guidance, and your blog has it!

    I look forward to your newest post, dear!!!


