Sunday, January 9, 2011

6 Tips to Help You Find a Job

Although the unemployment rate is decreasing there are still many people without jobs. During 2009, when unemployment was at a record high in my state, I was blessed to transfer from my former job to a new position. Below are 6 tips that I personally used:

1. I updated my resume and only included details that were relevant to the job that I was applying for. I had a cover letter that was tailored to the position I was seeking.

2. I seached company websites that advertised the position I was interested in and submitted my resume electronically. I went to companies and picked up application forms and hand delivered the completed forms to the companies. I enquired from people about openings at their work places.

3. I applied for all openings within a company that related to the job that I was seeking.

4. I studied everything that was important about the companies that I applied to. The mission statement and core values of the company are important to know, and any accreditation that the company received.

5. I read articles on interviews so that I would be fully prepared for an interview.

6. I prayed and believed that I had a job by faith.

I hope you find the above-mentioned tips useful in your search for a job. After applying for about three positions in the company that I now work for, I told one of my friends that I did not hear from the organization. She then encouraged me to keep on applying for the positions each time they posted them. I followed her suggestion and about a month after I was invited for an interview and was offered my current position. After I accepted the position at my present company, I was invited to three more companies for interviews and I respectfully turned down the interviews.

Even in hard times you can get a job. Keep on searching until you are hired. I wish you all the best in all your endeavours.

Until the next post I encourage you to listen to Les Brown, a well known motivational speaker.


  1. People often forget to do #4!


  2. Great tips Joy and i am a huge fan of Les Brown too. Hope you had a great Monday! XX

  3. Excellent tips, Joy darling (: I just love your posts! I find no. 1 very true and most people choose to be an ignorant and think that 'longer' resume means better. Awhhh..

    Have a marvelous weekend! (:
    Sanny's Head to Heart
