Wednesday, January 5, 2011

5 Ways to Identify Your Dream Job

There are some people who are passionate about their jobs because they chose to work in fields that they absolutely love; however, there are others who are working in jobs that they hate and are only going to work because they believe that they would not be able to survive economically if they quit those jobs. Unfortunately, for these individuals going to work can be very stressful and some of these people are having stress related illnesses such as heart disease and respiratory problems. If you hate your job you may want to formulate a plan on how you can transition from your present job to a career that you are passionate about. You may need to start taking classes that will qualify you for your dream job. If you like working on the computer and you are an independent learner then online classes may be right for you. I know a few people who have taken all the classes for their majors online and were able to change careers. One of these people include a college professor who did all of her classes online.

Although some people have jobs that are right for them they are unhappy working in positions that are best for them because they have negative attitudes. These people need to have a grateful attitude and be thankful for their jobs and the many benefits they obtain from their employers. Examples: These people could be thankful for earning a paycheck biweekly, having affordable health insurance for themselves and their families, and working at locations that are close to their homes. These persons need to write down all the things that are related to their jobs that they are thankful for and placed a list of these things in a place where they can see them on a daily basis. If these individuals read this list out loud they may develop a grateful attitude and may eventually love going to work.

On the other hand, there are other people who do not know how to find the job that they were created to do. I believe that each person has a specific job to do on earth, even if a person is multi-talented. I also believe in multiple streams of income but I believe that each person has a specific purpose on earth and when he or she finds that purpose he or she will be truly happy on the job and will give 100 percent at all times.

Here are 5 Ways to Identify Your Dream Job:

1. Pray to your Creator and asked Him to help you identify the career choice that is right for you.

2. Conduct a self-examination and identify the things that you are good at doing, and write these things down. Next identify the one thing that you love doing above all others.

3. Also Identify the one thing that you would be willing to do for free and you would be totally happy doing it even if you did not earn any money.

4. Ask friends and relatives to help you identify the things that you do well. Relatives and friends who have known you for a while are usually able to recognize your gifts and talents.

5. Educate yourself on what you need to know in order to obtain your dream job. Then work hard and accomplish your dream career.

I pray that you will take the necessary steps to walk in your purpose, so that you will be counted among the people who have found their dream jobs.

I encourage you to take a few minutes to listen to Pastor Joel Osteen:

With God all things are possible.

Be Blessed,



  1. this was such a good post!! And thanks for your recent note on the blog and happy new year!! it was good to be home on vacation but glad to be back 'home home' and to get back to blogging!!!

  2. I really love this post. It gave me some inspiration I needed. It brightened up my day!
    Thanks for this, Joy. I really appreciated #3 on the list. It is so true. You have to be passionate about it.


  3. I agree with both commenter above. This is a very inspirational post! I have just graduated couple months back and is still really confused for my path.

    Have an excellent weekend! (;
    Sanny's Head to Heart

  4. Sanny, you may try some of the aforementioned steps to help you see if you are on the right path. I wish you all the best.
