Life can be beautiful at times and sometimes you may feel like you are on "top of the world." Everything seems to be going right: Your child made straight As in school, your spouse remembered your Birthday and took you on an unforgettable date, and you received the long awaited promotion at work. Everything appears so right and suddenly someone told a bold-faced lie on you. This lie was premeditated and does not have a ring of truth to it. You are hurt. In fact, you are devastated because you cannot imagined why the person would want to hurt you by deliberately making things up about you. The situation even got worse when people who know you and should have confidence in you chose to believe the negative things about you. What do you do when negative things are reported about you and people whom you respect and look up to chose to believe that you could do simple things that a one year old child knows not to do? What do you do when you feel that your intelligence is insulted?
In situations when you are wrongly accused and you feel unappreciated for all the hard work that you have done you need to encourage yourself. Tell yourself that you know that you are a honest person who tries to treat everyone with fairness, respect, dignity, and compassion. Encourage yourself by affirming that you will not let any negative situations stop you from being your best self. Also, be assertive and let others know how you feel by using "I messages." It is hard not to be reactive to these negative events; however, it is much better to be proactive in these circumstances: Continue to be the best you can to yourself and others.
Do not expect everyone to like you because in an imperfect world that is impossible. However; more people will like you that dislike you. It is imperative to be your best self to all people including the ones that dislike you. Try not to react to people's negative remarks and body languages. Act from a place of deep-rooted principle and try to be proactive rather than reactive. I believe in Karma; therefore, send out into the universe all the good you can and goodness will come back to you. Thrive to be your best self.