Max Compact
Max Compact is a comedic web series that was written and directed by my very talented daughter, Jo-Dean Roark. Jo-Dean graduated from New York University, Tisch School of the Arts. She is the co-writer of Dorm Therapy, writer and director of BSU, Issa Rae Production, and writer at Black and Sexy TV.
Max Compact is about a YouTube vlogger make-up artist named Max, played by Guillianna Martinez, who can see the future when she puts on make-up. The cast of this web series includes talented actors, such as Michael Bow.
The sizzle reel of this web series was published, and based on this sizzle you can see that this web series .promise to deliver a ton of laughter and positive messages, such as accepting oneself, interwoven in this heroic, funny, and uplifting series.
You can view the sizzle reel here:
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