Have you ever tried hard to obtain something that you believe is right for you and the doors keep closing in your face? Life has a way of telling us when things are not right for us but as humans we keep trying to open the closed doors. There are times when we push for things and when we receive them we realize that the things that we fought so hard for are not right for us. Now, there are things in life that we are denied and we have to continue to try and try again until we are successful in obtaining them. On the other hand, there are things that are not worth fighting for.
How do we know when to let go and when to continue fighting? I believe we have to pray and ask God to tell us what is right for us. Follow your gut and walk only through doors that are right for you.
I know someone who wanted to open a daycare center in a certain building and was denied rental several times; however, she continued to pursue this building until finally she was rented a space for the daycare center. She set up the daycare and got it licensed. She had open house and no one came. This was the beginning of a nightmare for this person at this building. A series of events happened at this place. In the end this person lost thousands of dollars at this building. If she had stopped pursuing this building after the many denials of her rental applications she would not have lost thousands of dollars.
Let us not fight to open closed doors that we know are not right for us. These doors are often closed for a good reason. We can experience lots of problems if we open closed doors that we have no business walking through. However, if you know the closed doors are right for you then continue to push on them until they open for you.
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