Saturday, November 13, 2010

Snowy Day

Today we got our first snowy day. I woke up this morning to about five inches of snow and the snow was still falling. The snow that was falling is the wet type that is slushy and is very heavy when you try to clean it; however, I must say that the snow looks very pretty on the trees and on the power lines. The trees and power lines look like someone decorated them for Christmas.

For the first time this year I pulled out my winter gears which include jacket, scarves, hat, gloves, and boots. I was all decked out in my winter gear as I left for church this morning.

The drive to church was a slow one because the snow was still coming down and visibility was a bit limited due to the falling snow. Nevertheless, I am thankful that we reached church safely.

Today was Community Guest Day at church but not many people from the community came out. I believe that the snow kept the people away. However, the regular members were at church and we had a very good sermon and a delicious fellowship dinner after church. It was a very good day at church despite the snow. My only regret is that the weather prevented the guests from the surrounding communities from attending church today.

Right now it is a bit dark and dreary looking outside but I am happy within my heart. I braved the snow and attended church and I was truly blessed by the sermon and other activities at church.

I wish for you a wonderful day and I pray that you will have peace and love within yourselves. I leave you with this thought:

"God's love does not draw lines. It comes with open eyes, open arms, and an open heart. Can we take the risk of loving our Neighbor with God's kind of love?"

~ Treasury of God's Virtues

Be Blessed,



  1. Wow! Snow already! I'm not ready for it yet:-). The church sermon sounds like it was worth braving the weather to hear. Be Blessed to dear Joy. XX

  2. Like Stacey, I cannot believe it has already snowed! Wow. And five inches? I am in awe! Truly.

    I like the fact that the trees look ready for Christmas. That is always nice to know.

    Nice quote. Thank God you braved the snow. Look at the blessings it provided you!


  3. Thanks for the comments. I do appreciate your comments!!! We actually received 7.7 inches of snow today. As always ladies may love and peace be yours!!
