Monday, December 20, 2010

Five Ways to Spread some Holiday Cheers

This time of year can be a wonderful time for many people as they exchange presents and socialize with family and friends; however, for some people this time can be very hard as they look back throughout the year on the many unfulfilled dreams that they have. My friends for these people this is not a time for celebration but a time of despair. Some of these people at this time feel a sense of hopelessness and are in need of someone to help them feel hopeful again. Here are five ways in which you can help spread some Holiday cheers to others who may feel depressed or hopeless at this time:

  1. Make a plan to call on someone who is lonely or in need of some Holiday cheers at least every other day.
  2. Visit someone who can use some interaction with another human being.
  3. Send a hand written note to let someone know that they are loved.
  4. Invite someone who does not have any family or friends support system to have dinner with you and your family.
  5. Bring dinner over to a person who is shut in and help with any chores that need to be done at this person's house.
It is my prayer that you will be happier this Holiday Season as you reach out to help others.

Until the next post I leave you with this poem:


                            Show a little kindness -
                            Help a brother on the way
                            Show a little kindness -
                            In all you do and say.
                            Show a little kindness -
                            It will soon come back to you,
                            As everyone around you
                            Starts showing kindness, too!
                                                                         ~ Treasury of God's Virtues

Be Blessed,



  1. Your posts always make my heart sing:-). I so agree with everything you said in this post. Also, the hubby and i have been married for over 11 years and we've known each other since High School, so i'm not surprised that we're beginning to look alike:-). Merry Christmas to you and your family too! XX

  2. What a beautiful post! So lovely to see this especially during this important holiday week. A little kindness and even the smallest gesture goes a long way. Thank you so much for visiting, I'm thrilled it led me to your beautiful blog!

  3. This was a great post! I love it. #5 is my favorite!

    And thank you for that lovely poem. It made my life a little happier!

    Best wishes,

