Thursday, January 26, 2012

Good Energy

Have you ever met someone for the first time and you felt like you have known this person forever. I have been blessed to meet a few people like this, and  yesterday I met a young woman with positive energy. The moment I met this young woman I could feel the positive energy in the room. Her conversations were positive and she appears to handle stress very well. It was pleasing to meet another person with good energy.

We should all be conscious of our attitude so that we do not enter the space of others with negative energy. To prevent us from walking around with negative energy we need to consistently examine ourselves to ensure that we get rid of any negative energy in our lives. If we cannot get rid of our negative energy by ourselves we need to seek help from others who can help us get back our peace of mind.

Here are some activities that you can do to help you have a positive energy:

  • Do daily meditation
  • Exercise regularly
  • Keep a daily journal
  • Talk to family member/friend about problems that you are facing.
  • Listen to music
  • Sing to yourself/in a choir
  • Pray
  • Read books that have positive messages
  • Visit a church
  • Join a club
  • Watch movies with positive messages
Make a conscious decision to examine yourself and get rid of negative energy. I wish you well in your journey through life.

Be blessed,



  1. I love this post! Yes, it's very nice to run into someone who has positive energy and good-natured optimism!
    I've been striving lately to become this type of person. I want to be able to light up a room with good energy when I walk it. Because it's contagious! And who doesn't want to spread optimism?

    Best wishes,


  2. Zabrinah, Keep on trying to reach the point where you light up a room with positive energy. Stay positive, let go of negative energy the minute you feel it and replace it with positive thoughts. You are on the right track. I have made a conscious decision to be positive on a daily basis and to get rid of negative energy whenever i feel it. We have to stay away from people who tend to be mostly negative because they can wear you down. Take care and best of luck in all your endeavours.
