Saturday, February 26, 2011

Juggling My Personal Life, Work, and School - Part 2

On February 25, 2011, I was able to sleep in until 9:00 AM because my Friday morning class was cancelled. I was very happy to have this rare opportunity to sleep in. I was able to deposit a few hours sleep in my sleep deprived sleep bank. I am very aware that adequate sleep is important to have a balance; however, it is very hard to get adequate sleep with my schedule. Nevertheless, I will try my best to deposit more sleep into my sleep bank.

I was able to get about two hours of study time this morning. I wish I was able to put more time in but I wanted some "me time." I got my hair washed and braided, meditated, and dance to a Mary Mary CD. I truly enjoyed my "me time."  It is very important to take care of myself so that I am able to help care for others.

My commute to work was pleasant. I was able to be present throughout the trip. I totally enjoyed the beautiful landscapes that are always present on my trip to work. It was another sunny day but this time there were white clouds in the sky.

It was a very busy shift at work. My team staff member and I worked hard as usual to help meet the needs of the clients. At the end of my shift I was really tired but satisfied that we had worked to the best of our abilities to accomplish our tasks.

Well, I am home now and after a very busy night I should be sleeping, so until next time I wish you well and Hope you have a peaceful and productive day.

Enjoy this peaceful video by Jennylinda96: Sounds of Nature -Peaceful Ocean Surf

Be Blessed,



  1. Wow, Joy. I really like the new format of the posts on your blog! A lot!

    It's good that you take some time out for "me time". I think I need to do more of that on a frequent basis!!!!! Life is too busy, but we have to make time for ourselves.

    I once again want to point out how much I like this format. I hope to see more posts like this, that dwell on the little things of your day. Who knows what you might learn from them a year down the road!

  2. Mary Mary reminds me of being a camp counselor many summers ago, they always played the 'take the shackles off my feet so i can dance' song :) good memories!!!
