Saturday, March 19, 2011

I am Taking One Day at a Time

My schedule is so full that it is only with God's help and the knowledge of prioritizing that is getting me through this time. I will not get anything done if I do not make a list of what is to be done on a daily basis. I have to stay committed to my daily list and make sure I work on items that have the closest deadlines.

I am working with limited time; therefore, If I could afford not to work until I finish college I would be able to work better on all the projects that I have to complete. I am really praying for a miracle that will allow me to have more time to work on my assignments and to have some time to get adequate sleep at nights.

The members of my cohort and I were informed that our course was challenging and it was recommended that if it were possible we should not work while doing this course; however, most of us in my cohort are working. The more days we work the less time we have to work on our projects.

Despite the limited time that I have to work, I am very committed to this course. If I have to cut more things out of my life I will do so; however, by God's grace and mercies I will not cut school.

So, today I pray for myself, the members of my cohort, and anyone else who need a miracle in their lives. I pray that God will give us wisdom on how to use our time wisely.  I pray that God will send us solutions for our problems. I pray that He will give us strength and help us to accomplish our goals and all the desires of our hearts that are within His will for our lives. Amen.

Be Blessed,


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