Tuesday, July 12, 2011

A Special Prayer for My Immediate Church Family

Father God, in the name of Jesus, I am very thankful to you for my church family. I thank you for the many mercies you have bestowed upon them. I thank you for keeping them safe and loving them unconditionally. Please continue to meet their daily needs and help them to tell others about You. Father there are members in the church who have special requests and I am asking you to please grant them those requests according to Your will for their lives. Kindly heal those that are sick, provide jobs for those that are jobless, provide compatible partners for those that are single and seeking a husband or a wife. Please remember all the young people that are going off to college this fall and also those that are already in college. Please keep them safe while they are away from home and let them accomplish all that you have planned for them. Please remember the pastor and his family. Continue to bless them in all that they do. Father, I thank you that you invite us to call upon You and You promise to answer us. Thank You so much for answering this prayer in Jesus Name. Amen.

                                        Through It All: By Andrae Crouch             

Dear God, please grant a special blessing to everyone that may read this prayer. May their lives be forever changed and may they always walk in prosperity. Amen.

Be Blessed,


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