Saturday, October 20, 2012

How to Overcome the Venon of Gossipers

Throughout the ages there are people who find pleasure in gossiping about other people. Some of these people try to spread negative statements about others with the intention of making other people look bad and at the same time make themselves look better than the people they are gossiping about. Sometimes people will gossip about others out of jealousy: At times they want what others have but they are not willing to pay the price for the success that they see in other people. So, they go around trying to undermine others to make themselves look good. Many times these people go around and spread false statements about other people. These people can deeply hurt others especially, if their motive is jealousy. I have seen people who want what others have but they are not willing to work hard for it. They are unwilling to give up the comfort of their lives to stay up all night studying, meeting numerous deadlines, working and attending college, denying themselves vacations in order to accomplish a goal, and yet they want what others have sacrificed for. In my mind these people are no better than highway robbers who hold up people and rob them. Some of these people hope that they can cause the people who they spread negative statements about to become frustrated and give up on their goals and others hope that they can cause people to lose their jobs.

How can we Protect Ourselves from the Destructive Nature of These People?

You should have a strong sense of self. You must know who you are and if you do not know who you are you need to determine that in order to stand the attack of people who spread negative statements about you. You cannot afford to let others define you. You must define yourself. For those of us that are Christian the Bible is a good resource for helping us to define ourselves. Knowing who you are helps to enhance your confidence so that when people attack you and spread negative statements about you, you can choose not to believe the negative statements. I am not talking about constructive criticism. I am talking about people who are trying to undermine all your best efforts because they want to be in your position or they just want what you have. When these people attack you you have to be strong and determined that you have worked too hard for all that you have achieved and you will not let their venous statements prevent you from being your best self in whatever you do. You will have to encourage yourself and remind yourself of who you are and whose you are: Examples: I am a honest Christian woman, wife, mother, grandmother, sister, aunt, friend and I am a child of God. God is my heavenly Father and He loves me unconditionally. I am confident and have the necessary training for whatever I am doing. Sending positive statements to yourself will help you to withstand the evil statements that people spread about you. Also, try not to hate the people that spread false/negative statements about you, instead pray for them and forgive them. Because in forgiving them you free yourself of the burden of unforgiveness and you are free to live your life and to experience great joy.

In some cases you will need to confront those who are trying to hurt you by spreading false statements about you. Be assertive and use "I statements." Example: I do not like the way you are talking about me to my friends/co-workers. I am hurt by the statements you made about me and I am asking you to stop making them. If being assertive does not work them you may need to get help from someone in authority such as your pastor or manager. In other instances you can live above what others are saying about you by knowing who you are and not believing the lies you hear about youself.

May you experience peace and joy as you rise above the negative/false statements that people spread about you. Remember that hurting people tend to hurt others. Pray for those who hurt you and forgive them. May you prosper in everything that you do. May you receive favor everywhere you go. May God bless you richly.

Be blessed,


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