Friday, December 31, 2010

Accomplishing Your Goals for 2011

Setting goals and formulating a plan on how to accomplish those goals are very important to seeing our goals becoming reality. Goals can be classified into two groups: short term goals and long term goals. Examples:  A long term goal could be set to be accomplished in four to five years and the duration for a short term goal could be a few weeks to a year. Whether we choose to accomplish our goals in a week or a year it is very essential to set goals and have a working plan on how to accomplish those goals.

As we embark on 2011, many people will make New Year's resolutions, and some people will stick to their resolutions and others will forget their resolutions as the days and months pass in the New Year. Unfortunately, there are some people who will make a resolution but they will not make a start on what they say they would do. A New Year's resolution without a working plan is hard to accomplish, because without a plan one has nothing to work with. Therefore, for 2011, let us set attainable goals, identify the barriers that would prevent us from reaching our goals, make a workable plan to accomplish our goals, and seek help from our family and support system if needed to accomplish our goals.

It is important to write down the goals that you would like to accomplish in 2011. Next write down the barriers that would prevent you from accomplishing your goals. Seek help when necessary with your barriers so that your goals can become reality. Make a workable plan that you will follow in order to accomplish your goals. It is also important to have a signed contract, on how you will accomplish your goals, with your signature and another trusted person who you can be accountable to as you work on your goals. It is also important to come up with a reward system in which you reward yourself as you work on your goals (Greenberg, 2009). For example, if your goal is to save $100.00 per week, you may reward yourself with going to the movie theater bi-weekly after you have successfully saved $200.00.

My friends, I pray that all your goals for 2011, will be accomplished. I pray that all your dreams for you and your love ones will become reality in 2011.


Greenberg, J. S. (2009). Comprehensive Stress Management (11th ed). New York, NY: McGraw.

Until the next post I leave you with one of my favorite speakers: Les Brown

Be Blessed,


Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Diabetes Mellitus: Information that may help us and our love Ones

Recently, someone that I knew died from complications due to diabetes and my dear mother and one of my friends are presently living with diabetes. The death of the person who died from complications due to diabetes has motivated me to help spread the word on diabetes; consequently, some people may not have to succumb to the effects of diabetes and will be more informed about this disease and be able to manage their disease along with their healthcare providers so that the effects from diabetes can be reduced.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2008) In 2007, in the United States of America there were approximately 23.6 million people who were diagnosed with diabetes mellitus and there were about 5.7 million people who had the disease and were undiagnosed. More that sixty percent of lower limb amputations that are classified as nontraumatic are a result of diabetes complications (Centers, 2008). Complications from diabetes can cause damage to the eyes, kidneys, nerves, and heart. If people are informed about the effects of diabetes they and their healthcare providers can develop a plan of care that can help to reduce the negative effects of diabetes mellitus.

What is Diabetes?

Williams and Hopper (2007) stated that diabetes mellitus "is a group of metabolic diseases in which defects in insulin secretion or action result in high blood sugar level" (p. 852). The body breaks down most of the food that we eat into the sugar that is known as glucose and uses glucose as energy. Insulin is a hormone that is made in the pancreas and one of its main functions is to help glucose to get into the cells. When a person has diabetes his or her body either does not make enough insulin or cannot use the insulin that is made; and as a result, glucose level rises in the bloodstream (Centers, 2010). Diabetes is diagnosed when the fasting plasma glucose  is equal to or greater than 126 mg/dL after staying without food for at least eight hours ( Williams & Hopper, 2010). Therefore, if a person continues to have high levels of blood glucose that person is at risk for diseases such as heart disease and kidney failure.

Types of  Diabetes Mellitus:

Type 1

In type one diabetes the pancreas makes little or no insulin so the body is unable to use blood glucose as energy. People who have this type of diabetes need to take insulin on a daily basis (Centers, 2010).

Type 2

In type two diabetes the tissues in the body are not affected by the insulin that is produced by the body. The pancreas still makes insulin in this type of diabetes but usually in insufficient amount (Williams & Hopper, 2010). Therefore, in this type of diabetes the body may not be able to use the insulin that is made or the insulin is inadequate for the blood sugar level. People with this type of diabetes usually take diabetes pills or insulin. Type two diabetes mellitus is the most commonly diagnosed among people with diabetes (Centers, 2010).

There is gestational diabetes that I will not discuss here.

Signs and Symptoms of Diabetes

  • Excessive thirst
  • Urinating frequently
  • Extreme hunger
  • Blurred vision
  • Fatigue
  • Dry skin
  • Slow healing skin
  • Tingling in the feet and or lack of feelings in the feet
  • Headache
  • Abdominal pain (Williams & Hopper, 2007: Centers, 2010).
The above-mentioned symptoms may be related to other conditions than diabetes. If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms please see your primary physician.

Risk Factors For Type 2 Diabetes
  • Having a family history of diabetes
  • Lack of exercise
  • Overweight
  • Belonging to one of these races or ethnic groups: African American, American Indian, Alaskan Native, Hispanic/Latino, Asian / Pacific Islander heritage (Centers, 2010).
Currently, there is no information on the prevention of type 1 diabetes; however, for type 2 diabetes research studies have shown that "weight loss and regular exercise" can help to "prevent or delay the onset of diabetes" (Williams & Hopper, 2010).

Treatments / Interventions

 Diabetes can be controlled with diet, exercise, and by following the plan of care that was set up by the person with diabetes and his or her physician. People with type one diabetes take insulin on a daily basis and a physician will decide the protocol of treatment for type 2 diabetes which may include oral hypoglycemic medications and or insulin. Blood glucose monitoring on a regular basis is very essential in the control of diabetes. It is also imperative that people who are diagnosed with diabetes educate themselves about the disease so that they can make informed lifestyle changes that will help them to reduced the effects of diabetes (Williams & Hopper. 2007).

Therefore, it is vital that people who have risk factors for diabetes and those who have been diagnosed with diabetes make the necessary lifestyle changes that include diet and exercise. Eating a balance diet and watching portion sizes are essential to having the body mass index (BMI) that is right for one's body. Body mass index is used to measure one's body fat and is calculated by measuring one's weight in relation to how tall one is (National, 2010). Having a regular exercise program that is approved by one's healthcare provider is imperative to one's general health which include reducing the effects of diabetes. It is also equally important to follow the plan of care that was developed with the help of the physician. If people with diabetes are educated about diabetes and follow their plan of care they can help reduced complications that are due to diabetes.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2010). Diabetes. Retrieved from

National Heart Lung and Blood Institute. (2010). Calculate Your Body Mass Index. Retrieved from

Williams, L. S., & Hopper, P. D. (2007). Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing (11th ed). Philadelphia: Davis.

Please feel free to pass on this information to your love ones who may benefit from this post. I wish you a long and healthy life and I pray that if there are lifestyle changes that you need to make that God will give you the strength that you need to make those changes. May all your days be filled with love and prosperity. God bless you!!

Be Blessed,


Friday, December 24, 2010

Learning to Let Go

For the very first time in our lives on Christmas Day my husband and I will be home without our children. I must say this time is a bit sad for me but I must face reality. Our children are grown and are living their own lives. Both our children live some distances from us and one works on Christmas Day and the other will be coming home the day after Christmas. I know that this time of year will never be the same as before and as human beings we are adaptable and we will cheer-up ourselves and continue to enjoy being in the company of our children whenever we see them. At this time I am still in the learning phase of letting go of my daughter who is a Sophomore in college.

I remember when my son use to come home almost every weekend from college and then he did not want to come home as often anymore because he had found a girlfriend and wanted to spend time with her. Because our son attended college only ninety minutes away we knew that we could easily go and look for him and he could come and see us whenever he wanted to; so even though, he seldomly came home we were comforted because of his proximity to us. Our son is now married; therefore, his first priority is to his immediate family and we fully support him in putting his family first. On the other hand, our daughter attends college over 2,000 miles away so we rely on phone calls and Skype to stay in touch with her. Because I am still in the learning phase of letting go of my daughter I believe I call her too frequently.

Recently, my daughter and I had agreed that we would Skype every Sunday and she was free to call me at anytime. For awhile I kept up well with this plan until I fell out of this agreement and started to call her more frequently again. I will have to do some self-talk and stick to this agreement once again.

My son and I do not have an agreement about calling each other. We just call each other and talk but I know his schedule and I try to call him only on his day off from work.

I am certain that in time I will not be missing my children so much and I hope that we will be able to meet at least once per year for family get together. My husband and I have tried our best to prepare them to live their own lives and we will respect whatever decisions they make. We will always love them and we will continue to cherish any moments they choose to spend with us. We are thankful for the years that we were blessed to have them with us.

 During this Holiday Season I am very thankful for the precious times that I had with my children. I am also very thankful that they have made good choices in life and have both had significant accomplishments throughout 2010. We may not be spending Christmas Day together but we will be together after Christmas and for that I am very thankful. So, to my two children I wish you a blessed Holiday Season and may all your dreams become reality. I will always love you both whether you are in or out of my presence. May you continue to depend on Jesus to guide you in all that you do and may you continue to show love and kindness to everyone that you come in contact with. May all that you set out to do be a success and may you live a long, happy, and prosperous life.

To my readers, may this Holiday Season find you in perfect peace and may your lives be richly blessed now and always.

Until the next post I leave you with this song, "Have I Told You Lately"

                     My husband Errol and I will have an enjoyable day together!

Be Blessed,


Monday, December 20, 2010

Five Ways to Spread some Holiday Cheers

This time of year can be a wonderful time for many people as they exchange presents and socialize with family and friends; however, for some people this time can be very hard as they look back throughout the year on the many unfulfilled dreams that they have. My friends for these people this is not a time for celebration but a time of despair. Some of these people at this time feel a sense of hopelessness and are in need of someone to help them feel hopeful again. Here are five ways in which you can help spread some Holiday cheers to others who may feel depressed or hopeless at this time:

  1. Make a plan to call on someone who is lonely or in need of some Holiday cheers at least every other day.
  2. Visit someone who can use some interaction with another human being.
  3. Send a hand written note to let someone know that they are loved.
  4. Invite someone who does not have any family or friends support system to have dinner with you and your family.
  5. Bring dinner over to a person who is shut in and help with any chores that need to be done at this person's house.
It is my prayer that you will be happier this Holiday Season as you reach out to help others.

Until the next post I leave you with this poem:


                            Show a little kindness -
                            Help a brother on the way
                            Show a little kindness -
                            In all you do and say.
                            Show a little kindness -
                            It will soon come back to you,
                            As everyone around you
                            Starts showing kindness, too!
                                                                         ~ Treasury of God's Virtues

Be Blessed,


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

I am not My Skin

I was very blessed to grow up in a home, in a community, and in a country where people from all races and socioeconomic status were respected and people were not usually judged by the color of their skin. In my home I never heard my parents talking negatively about any race of people. It was my understanding from a very young age that people did good or bad things based on the choices they make in life. I attended high school with children from different races and the teachers in my school were Blacks and Caucasians. I grew up with a strong belief that people from any race could choose to do good things or bad things; therefore, it was shocking to me to learn later in life that there are people in the world who expect people from certain races to only choose to do bad things.

Despite the many evidences in society that people from any race can choose to do good or bad there are negative stereotypes in society that point at specific races. I strongly believe that people who believe that only people from a certain race make bad decisions in life are in the minority. I have worked and still work with some amazing people from different races. I have attended college with with some of the best people from different races. I have had excellent teachers and classmates from my race and other races. I have great neighbors from different races, so there are "good people" and "bad people" from all races.

Recently, I was reminded of the small number of people who still judge people by the color of their skin. In two separate incidents I went to provide care for two people and as I entered the room each person took his or her cellphone up from the table, and one person asked another person in the room to place the cellphone on a windowsill and the other person place the cellphone in a pocket. You may say that these incidences are coincidences, but I do not believe so. I believe these two people belong to the minute number of people who choose to judge people by the color of their skin and to use negative stereotypes in society to justify their actions. Before these incidents my mother and I got off a bus and were walking on the sidewalk to get to our house and an elderly woman from another race started to run the minute she turned around and saw us. In all three incidents the people who judged me unfairly were not known to me, and I an certain that it was the first time they had seen me when they chose to use negative stereotype to judge me. It is very unfortunate that these incidents still happen today.

By expressing myself on this blog I just want others to know that I am not my skin. My skin is just the surface area of the body that I live in. I have a brain that gives me the capacity to choose either good or bad and I have made a conscious decision with the help of God to choose good on a daily basis. All people from all races are bombarded with good and bad on a daily basis and fortunately for the world most people choose to do good.

I must say that when those people acted in the manner that they did when they saw me I just quickly reminded myself of who I am and did not make the incidents bother me while working; however, while at home the next day I recalled the incidents and I cried a little because it hurts but I do not dwell on this hurt and I have already let it go and I have forgiven those people for judging me unfairly.

I am so glad that I know who I am. I am a child of God and I was "fearfully and wonderfully made." I am a honest, hardworking, kind, compassionate, and friendly person. I love people from all races and I have dedicated my life to serve people from all races. I feel a certain joy in my life when I am able to help others and I will not allow anyone to take that joy from me.

I leave you with the words form this song:"I Am Not My Hair" By India Aire

My friends let no one define you by the color of your skin or any other outward features because you were "fearfully and wonderfully" made by God and you were place here for a reason, so do not allow anyone or anything to hinder you from living out your purpose on earth.

Be Blessed,


Saturday, December 11, 2010

The Biggest Snow Storm in over a Decade

Since November, of this year I have been caught in two snow storms, and I am very happy that I was not scheduled for work this weekend when the biggest snow storm in more than a decade hit our state. When the first bad storm came I was at work. After my shift I left work and I had no idea what I was getting into. Had I known the conditions of the roads I would have stayed at work. When the second storm came I was at work again, and after leaving work the commute was not as bad as the first storm but visibility was poor and some parts of the roads were slippery. Well, our biggest storm of the winter started last night and I am very happy to be home.

During the first storm I did not know what to expect from the roads because the co-workers who relieved us only told us to be careful while driving home; therefore, the horrible and treacherous road conditions that greeted me on my commute home was unexpected. The minute I walked through the door of the building in which I work I saw two co-workers literally sliding on ice even though they were not wearing ice-skating shoes and they were certainly not on a ice-skating rink. Those co-workers almost fell but somehow they regained their balance. I was able to walk to my truck without falling and for the next twenty-five minutes I was scraping ice off my truck. Eventually, I was able to see through my windshield and I started the commute home. To my surprise the roads were not plowed and I kept slipping and sliding while driving only about ten miles or less per hour.

While I tried to ascend the first ramp to go on the freeway I had a difficult time keeping my truck on the road. Because the road was covered with sheets of ice my truck kept going off to the sides of the road and at one time it turned around and faced the opposite direction from where I was going. I prayed for safety and kept on trying to steer the truck in the right direction. After what seemed like eternity I was able to get the truck on the freeway. On the freeway, that was not cleaned, I was able to control the truck a little better than on the ramp. However, I had to go unto another freeway and this ramp goes up a high hill and I was concerned  that I may not be able to get my truck up that ramp. When I approached the bottom of the ramp I saw a line of vehicles on the ramp and they did not appear to be moving so I went to the side of the ramp where a small length of shoulder exists and stopped my truck on this shoulder. I wanted to wait to see if the vehicles ahead of me would be able to make it up the ramp before I try to go up there. I waited for more than one hour and nothing was moving until a semi-truck came sliding pass me and jack-knifed on the ramp. My situation now was worse off because I could not go up the ramp and I did not know the area well, so I had no idea of how to get home.

With the only ramp that I know blocked by the semi-truck and no clue of where to exit off the freeway to get home I called my husband to ask him to pray with me for my safety, and for directions on where to go if I continue on the freeway. My husband prayed with me and then gave me direction in good faith on how to get home but I was not comfortable to take this direction because it was night, and I know that the road that my husband told me to exit on would be in worse shape than the unplowed freeway that I was on, so I decided to wait on the shoulder of the road to see if  I could see someone that could give me directions that I was comfortable in following.

About thirty minutes after speaking to my husband I saw a police officer behind me directing traffic. The police officer was signaling to the motorists to continue straight and not to take the ramp with the semi-truck that was jack-knifed. After a while the police officer came up to my window and asked if I needed help and I asked him for directions on how to get home. The police officer gave me directions on how to get to the freeway that would get me home, and the exit was the very next exit from the one that I should have taken. I was so happy to see the police officer and was very grateful that there were police officers out that night risking their lives to protect the lives of the citizens of our state.

With the proper directions on going home I drove slowly on the very slippery roads. I passed many cars parked along the roads and many cars in the ditches. There were times when I felt that I would not have made it home alive that night because my truck kept sliding on the road and twice I hit a guard rail but because I was literally going at a crawling speed the impact or damage to the truck was minor. With God's help and the directions from the police officer I reached home three hours after I left work. On a good day this trip would have taken me about thirty minutes or less.

During the second storm the roads were much better because they were plowed but I had a hard time seeing through the windshield because the snow would blow on the windshield and completely covered it, and when I washed the windshield off it would get all dirty again due to the blowing snow on the freeway. This time I was able to drive at a faster speed yet way below the speed limit. Some parts of the roads were slippery but not as slippery as the first storm. However, I did not like to be in this storm but I was thankful that the conditions of the roads were not as severe as the first storm.

Fortunately, I am home when the biggest snow storm to hit our state in over a decade started last night. I am so grateful to be home and so happy that I do not have to commute in this storm. So far, we have received 16.5 inches of snow and the wind is blowing hard outside and makes visibility very poor. I have prayed for the safety of my co-workers and others who have to go to work in this storm.  I chose not to go to church today because we were warned on every news stations that the snow storm would be severe; consequently, I stayed home but my husband went to church and ended up helping many people who were stuck in the snow and when he came home his truck got stuck in our driveway. After a while he was able to dig his truck out of the snow and was able to park his truck in the driveway.

I wish I could stay home on bad snow days but I know that is not reality unless I work from home and the profession that I am in now does not allow me to work from home. I certainly do not like to drive in snow storms but it is impossible to prevent based on my location; therefore, I have to continue to pray for safety and practice all safety precautions that will help to keep me safe.

So wherever you are right now I pray for your safety and the safety of your love ones. I pray that you and yours will always be protected and live your lives to the fullest. May your God given purpose for your lives become reality!!

Until the next post I leave you with this song,"Through the Storm"

Be Blessed,


Saturday, December 4, 2010

Yes You Can

In this journey called life we are sometimes faced with victories and at times it seems that we are faced with defeat; however, the way we view our challenges can help to give us a " I can attitude" or an attitude of defeat. For example: two persons may lost their jobs and one person may decide that now is a good time to pursue the dream career he or she has always been passionate about and the other person may start to cry and get depressed because he or she does not see another way out. The difference between the two persons who lost their jobs is the perception each has about the circumstance in which he or she finds himself/herself.

Having a "yes I can" attitude can help one to motivate oneself to fight through challenging situations until victory is won. No matter how bad the situation is one can use self-talk to encourage oneself to know that whatever the situation is it will not last forever.

It is very important to surround yourself with friends and family members who have a positive outlook on life; therefore, they can encourage you and remind you that "yes you can" do whatever you set out to do and that you should keep trying until you emerge a winner. Now, there are things that are not good for you and if you are doing anything that is not good for you, you should not continue on that path and try to motivate yourself to do something that you know you have no right doing.

In the midst of your storm remember that "you can do all things through Christ who gives you strength." You are not alone. You have Heaven working on your behalf. You were created by God to be a winner. Seek His purpose for your life and walk in that purpose. May God give you the strength that you require to go through the storms of life and may you come out of your storm stronger and wiser. May your today be better than your yesterday and may peace, love, and happiness be yours forever!!

May this song encourage you:"My Redeemer Lives"

Be Blessed,


Saturday, November 27, 2010

An Unforgettable Day

I was tremendously blessed today as I listened to a sermon that was entitled, "Are you Ready for Jesus to Come?" The sermon was presented by Elder Thompson. The atmosphere at church was warm and receptive as the members and visitors listened and agreed with the sermon. We were all encouraged to live according to the Word of God.

After the church service my husband and I were invited to have lunch with Elder Thompson and his wife, my long time college friend. Four other church members were also invited to have lunch with the Thompsons. There was also a wonderful sister from Jamaica who is visiting the Thompsons who volunteered to help prepare the lunch and had also carried from Jamaica some of the food and drink that were served.

We had a delicious lunch which included Baked Chicken, Fried Rice, Vegetarian Special K, Jamaican Sorrel Drink and Jamaican Bun and Cheese for dessert. Everyone enjoyed the feast and a few hours later we also were served more food and drink.

We were engaged in good conversations and we had Scripture reading, testimony, and prayer between our conversations. Everyone was given the opportunity to state what he or she was thankful for. We had a very good time talking about different kinds of subjects which included geography, healthcare, and economy.

I had a very good time at the Thompsons and I was the last one to leave their house. It had been a long time since I had visited and all previous visits were always good ones.

We were glad to see our sister in Christ from Jamaica and she was able to give us first hand report about our Island. We were very happy to get this information from a primary source. Hearing about Jamaica is very important to me and the Thompsons because it is the land of our birth.

I am very happy that I was given this opportunity to spend such an unforgettable day. Being in good company sure makes a difference and allows one to be his or her authentic self. We were happy to be in each other's company and we surely had a good time with God and with each other.

Until the next post I leave you with the following verse of the song, "Blest Be the Tie That Binds."

                          "Blest be the tie that binds
                           Our hearts in Christian love;
                           The fellowship of kindred minds
                           Is like to that above."
                                                            ~ Rev. John Fawcett
Click on the link to hear the song: Are You Ready for Jesus to Come

Be Blessed,


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Let's be Thoughtful of Others

In these challenging times there is always the temptation to think about the things in our lives that are not going well and to at times consciously or unconsciously ignore the people around us. However, if we would take sometime to observe our environment we would see people who could use our help. There are so many ways that we can show people, even total strangers, that we care about them. Some of these ways include giving a genuine smile to someone as you pass them, not the plastic smile of just spreading the lips, saying hi to a person, listen to an acquaintance or friend when he or she wants to speak, and writing a letter of gratitude to someone who made a difference in your life.

Today, I was reminded of this topic as I sat in an office reading a book and two men walked into the office and were talking very loudly and even when they saw me reading they did not lower their voices but continue to speak as if they were talking to someone a mile away. I know that these men were not hard of hearing because when the clerk in the office spoke to them he used a normal tone to speak to them and they heard him well and responded to him. I do not know what these men were thinking as they spoke so loudly but it was obvious that all they cared about were the conversation both of them were indulged in and nothing else seemed to matter.

This incident today also helped me to remember that on a college campus that I attended last spring some of the students would carry on loud conversations even when they see other students who were trying to study. Those students who were loud did not care about the other students and showed that by having loud conversations and laughing while their fellow students were trying to study. There was also another set of students who studied at home and if they see a student trying to study on campus they would try to have a conversation with that student.

It is obvious that we cannot change other people; nevertheless, we can behave in thoughtful ways towards others. If we see someone reading a book and we have a need to talk to our friend we can lower our voices while we speak so as not to disturb the person. Although the person may not be reading in a library we can still be thoughtful of the other person. As we go about our daily business let us be thoughtful of others and show others that we care for them.

Until the next post I leave you with these words:

"Seize the opportunity - it may never come again. Today is the day to reach out and lend a helping hand" ~ Treasury of God's Virtues

Be Blessed,


Sunday, November 14, 2010

Reminisce of a College Road Trip Part 2

On August 28, 2009, my husband, our daughter, and I began our long journey to New York City. My husband and I did not know what to anticipate from a road trip of this magnitude. We only prayed that we would reach our destination safely and on time for our daughter to check into her dormitory.

Before we left home that morning my friend Grace, my college friend from years ago, came to our house to wish us a safe trip. And if you had known Grace you would know that if she comes to visit you she is coming with a gift. So that morning Grace brought us food for our trip and money to help with buying gas for the journey. We thanked her for her generosity and we were on our way.

During the day my husband drove and I drove during the night-time. During the night many of the areas on the freeway were very dark and I was only able to see by the help of the many semi-trucks on the road.

During the day we made several stops, and during these stops we rested or just walked around. We had a great time with our daughter who loved every minute of the trip. There were times when we spoke a lot and other times we were silent and enjoyed being in the company of each other. There were other times when we bought food and ate and we even shopped for clothes.

During the night we stopped and slept over, and we were on our way by 6:00 AM the next morning. My husband was driving and visibility was poor in the early morning so he drove way slower than the speed limit so that we could be safe during this trip of a life-time.

We had no idea that driving through Pennsylvania would take us so many hours. At one time we thought we were lost and we stopped at a gas station to find out where we were and we were told by the gas station attendant that we were heading in the right direction and that we would reach New Jersey in the next twenty minutes; however, this statement was not completely true. Yes, we were going the right direction but New Jersey was about another two hours away.

On our college road trip we had many delays due to miles of road constructions and hours of traffic congestion.We finally reached New York City seven hours later than the estimated time that we thought we would reach. Although my daughter checked in far later than her scheduled time she had no problem checking in and no question was asked about her lateness.

We helped our daughter moved in and we ended up buying a few more items for her room in New York City. The following day we also help her to settle into her room and the next morning we said our goodbyes and left our daughter in New York and made our long journey back home. The journey back home was a sad one. Many teardrops were shed. We missed our daughter immensely and for the first time we had to face the reality of being empty nesters. We knew we had raised her for that moment in her life when she goes off to college but it sure hurts to leave your child in a strange, huge city.

Driving to New York City is the biggest driving adventure my husband and I have ever done and I do not believe there will be a repeat of driving that distance again. However, that journey had strengthened our faith in God because if we did not go on that journey we would not have known that we could have made a journey like that. This journey also reminded us of the scripture verse that states,"Faith without works is dead." by starting out on the journey with God's help we were able to complete the journey safely. We are also reminded that prayer works because our daughter prayed for a college road-trip with her parents and due to a series of events she was able to have the trip that she prayed for. I am truly thankful that we were given the opportunity to spend those wonderful hours with our daughter because we may never be given that opportunity again to have such a long trip together because she may start her own family after graduating from college. We will always treasure the time spent with our lovely daughter and although at first I did not think a college road trip would be a good idea, I would not trade one hour of that trip with our daughter for all the money in the world.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Snowy Day

Today we got our first snowy day. I woke up this morning to about five inches of snow and the snow was still falling. The snow that was falling is the wet type that is slushy and is very heavy when you try to clean it; however, I must say that the snow looks very pretty on the trees and on the power lines. The trees and power lines look like someone decorated them for Christmas.

For the first time this year I pulled out my winter gears which include jacket, scarves, hat, gloves, and boots. I was all decked out in my winter gear as I left for church this morning.

The drive to church was a slow one because the snow was still coming down and visibility was a bit limited due to the falling snow. Nevertheless, I am thankful that we reached church safely.

Today was Community Guest Day at church but not many people from the community came out. I believe that the snow kept the people away. However, the regular members were at church and we had a very good sermon and a delicious fellowship dinner after church. It was a very good day at church despite the snow. My only regret is that the weather prevented the guests from the surrounding communities from attending church today.

Right now it is a bit dark and dreary looking outside but I am happy within my heart. I braved the snow and attended church and I was truly blessed by the sermon and other activities at church.

I wish for you a wonderful day and I pray that you will have peace and love within yourselves. I leave you with this thought:

"God's love does not draw lines. It comes with open eyes, open arms, and an open heart. Can we take the risk of loving our Neighbor with God's kind of love?"

~ Treasury of God's Virtues

Be Blessed,


Monday, October 25, 2010

Be Thankful in a Fast Pace World

Approximately fifty minutes ago I was outside where it was cold, windy, and  rainy. It is so pleasant to be indoors, where it is warm and cozy, on this cold fall night. I am a bit tired and my back aches but I am inside. I am grateful that I have a roof over my head, clothes on my back, food to eat, and most importantly I have my Creator and a wonderful family. And I cannot forget my friends, my neighbors, my church family, near and far, and all the wonderful people who will read this post. Although life can be challenging at times let us make a decision to be thankful for what we have and think less on what we do not have. This does not mean that you should stop working towards your goal; it simply means that you place your focus more on been thankful for what you have.

So for the next three minutes just close your eyes and be thankful for what you do have. You will find that a grateful attitude will help you feel less stressful in this fast pace world.

Regardless of the socioeconomic status in which you find yourself you may be in a position to help someone who is less fortunate than yourself. If you are able to share your time or your possessions with those that are less fortunate please do so. I am sure you will not have to look far to find people who need a helping hand.

May you find total relaxation as you have an attitude of thankfulness and may you find peace and happiness as you share with others.

Be Blessed,


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

You Are a Special Vessel

I wrote this peom in 2003, and it was published in "Theatre of the Mind." I hope you receive some form of encouragement from this poem.

You are a special vessel from the creator's hand
You were specially made to be a member of earth's band
Your purpose is well defined
Your troubles are all behind
So take one step at a time
Keep your eyes on your goal
Don't shatter your soul
Remember your role
Hold your head high
Never take a sigh
Cast down negative criticism
Never harbor pessimism
Keep moving forward
Never look backwards
Rest if you must
Never make a fuss
For in due time
You will reach your destination without hesitation

It is my prayer that you will keep reaching for your goals. Keep in the race until you win. Problems do not last forever and whatever you are facing I pray that you will have the strength to place it in perspective and remind yourself that this too will past. May your today bring you peace and comfort and remember that the sun will shine again.

Be blessed


Monday, October 18, 2010

One Day At A Time

I am very thankful for my family and friends. I am also thankful for time even though some days it seem like I do not have enough time to do the things that I chose to do. The key word here my friends is "chose." I cannot find time some days because I chose to fill "My to do List" with more things than I can manage. I am in the process of learning to cut back on the many things that I chose to do. I am making a list of six things daily and four of those six things need to be done and the other two things can go over to the next day; however, if I can get all six things done without causing myself unnecessary stress then I will get them done. My most important things for each day will be prioritized and will be done according to importance. I must try to live in the present and to live one day at a time. Life's journey is too interesting to miss out on the experience. I do not want to reach the end of my days and look over my life and realize that I did not take time to enjoy life's journey.

I have made a conscious decision to take time each day to enjoy the gift of life. Therefore, making a daily Me Plan is very important. There are times when we are so busy taking care of others, which is a good thing but do it in moderation, and we forget ourselves. So each day let us do something special just for us. We can plan for ourselves activities such as that twenty minute meditation time, get your nails done, read a chapter from a book, go for a walk, listen to music, go out for lunch, or visit the zoo. Whatever you decide to do remember you are equally important and you need to take care of you!!!

Be Blessed,


Sunday, October 3, 2010

Reminisce of a College Road Trip Part 1


It was a summer evening in 2008, and my teenage daughter who was in the 11th Grade planned movie time for the family. She chose the movie entitled, College Road Trip, starring Martin Lawrence, Raven-Symone, and Brenda Song. The movie was funny and we enjoyed it immensely. After the movie, my daughter asked me and her dad if we could give her a college road trip the following year to the college of her choice. Her dad and I told her that we would not be able to drive because we do not like long distance driving. Her dad even mentioned his frequent back and shoulder pain as deterrent to driving long distances. I mentioned how my hands hurt whenever I drive far distances. In other words we had many excuses why we were unable to go on a college road trip. My daughter told us that a college road trip with her parents would mean the world to her. I then started thinking that if we had a third driver maybe the road trip would be a reality. So, I called my son to ask him if he could help us drive on a college road trip with his sister, and my son just started to laugh and told me that he did not like driving long distances and would not be able to help us. At that time we had an idea of the city in which my daughter would attend college even though she did not get her acceptance letter as yet. With only my husband and I as drivers I did not believe a college road trip would be possible and I told my daughter that we would not be able to take her on a college road trip; however, she was told that her father would travel with her by airplane to check out her dream college. I really believe that was the end of the college road trip but things were unfolding behind the scene and what would happen in 2009, I believe happened because a teenager refused to give up her dream even when she was told “no” by her parents and continued to believe in faith that a college road trip was possible.

During February, 2009, my husband accompanied our daughter, on an airplane, to visit her dream college in New York City. A couple months later the acceptance letter from her dream college was among the acceptance letters from other colleges. My daughter jumped for joy and she could not stop speaking about her dream college. We were very happy for her and we supported her decision and at the same time I was a bit apprehensive because she had received more scholarships from other colleges. She was not interested in the other colleges. Her heart was set on going to her dream school; subsequently, she would be the one spending four years of her life studying and why not spend it at a place that she wants to go to.

Graduation day came in June, 2009, and it was a beautiful ceremony. Relatives came from out of town and family and friends from close to home attended the Graduation Ceremony. I was proud of my daughter and I was so grateful to be alive to see that day. I had serious complications due to pregnancy after having her so I view each day as a special gift from God.

We were busy shopping for college and before we know it summer was almost gone and it was almost time for us to accompany our daughter to college, not on a road trip because we were going to fly on an airplane. Somehow, I had procrastinated in purchasing the airline tickets and I even forgot to check a favorite airline that I take on trips. So, while I was looking for tickets at the last moment the prices of tickets kept going up by the hour and I finally made the decision that probably a college road trip may be cheaper. I approached my husband and told him that I believe a college road trip would be cheaper and if we take the truck we would be able to carry everything our daughter needs for college, and we would not have to buy anything in New York. After sometime of trying to convince my husband to see the benefits from a college road trip he finally agreed to make the trip. Neither of us had driven more than 600 miles at any one time and now both of us were planning to travel over 2,300 miles to New York City. My daughter was extremely happy when we told her that we would drive her to college. She then told us that she had prayed to God for a college road trip with her parents and the decision to drive her was the answer to her prayers.Her Her

Friday, October 1, 2010

A Beautiful Day

I woke up this morning with joy in my heart. I rushed to look through the window at the beautiful trees with their red, yellow, and green leaves. Every tree looked so pretty and reminded me that the world is a beautiful place. I am so thankful to be part of God's wonderful creation. I am grateful for the sky above and although it is somewhat overcast I can still see the beauty of this vast creation. I stopped to think of my neighbors and the community that I live in and I am thankful for the  peace that I enjoy in my neighborhood. I will not take this peace for granted because it came by with the sacrifice of many brave men and women.

As I was writing this post I heard the siren of an ambulance, and I stopped writing to pray for the person that the ambulance is going for and also for the friends and family of that person that will be picked up by the ambulance. You see, we are all together in this journey of life and it is important that we care about all people and not just the people that we know personally.

So, for all of you that may read this post or may just look at my page I pray that your day will be blessed. May all your plans for today be fulfilled. May you have peace in abundance and may you show someone today that you care for them.

Be Blessed,


Thursday, September 30, 2010

Working On One Of My Goals

I decided five years ago to change profession and to attend college. I want the change but geting there is not easy. I thought that I would have accomplished this goal at least two years ago but that did not happen. However, I am in the race until I cross the finish line. Along the journey there have been days of triumps and days with challenges and with each day I try to find something to be thankful for. Today, I am half-way on my journey to the finish line. I have met many caring people along the way, and I am thankful for them.

When I am weak I draw strength from my Creator and from my family and friends support system. I cannot make it without my connection to my Creator and with my support system. When I feel like I cannot meet a deadline  I remember why I started this race in the first place and knowing "why" keeps me going one day at time. I have a passion for what I am studying for right now and I have family members who are depending on me and that is why I must finish this race.

Today, I am not feeling well and I have deadlines to meet and I must take care of myself and keep on this journey until I win. If you notice I said until I win becasue I am in this race to win. Yes, challenges will come but I will overcome them and stay in this race until I win.

I pray that you will remain in your race also and overcome the challenges until you emerge a winner.

Be Blessed,
