Sunday, December 30, 2012

Dorm Therapy

Dorm Therapy is a web series that will premiere on YouTube on March 28, 2013. This web series was written by  my daughter Jo-Dean Seymour and her co-writer Adam Carey. Dorm Therapy is a funny and captivating show about college students life in a resident hall. Please check out promotion videos on YouTube at

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Having My Entire Family Under one Roof: Priceless

On December 14 -15, 2012, my husband and I were blessed to have our two children, our grandson, and daughter-in-law at home. This was a wonderful occasion. We attended my son's graduation. He graduated with his Master's of Science Degree. My husband and I are very proud parents. We are happy to share in the celebration of the accomplishments of our son. We had lots of fun at home and at the graduation. 
Here are some photographs of the wonderful time we had:

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Avoiding Three-way Relationships

Last month a beloved Jamaican DJ called Captain Barkley along with his mistress, Tracy Bennett, were gunned down in Bronx, New York by the husband of his mistress. Ever since I read about Barkley's death on Facebook I found it hard to get the incident out of my mind. I believe that Barkley's death was preventable. I know that many people will say that many men are having affairs out of their marriage and they do not end up dead. This is true but not because many people are doing it that does not make it right.  I am aware that temptations come to all of us but at the same time we have choices: We can choose to yield to temptation or we can choose to run from temptation. Neither Barkley nor Bennett deserved to be killed; however, if Barkley was not having an affair with Bennett her husband would not have killed him. Maybe Bennett would have been killed but not on that night. According to one neighbor of Bennett there were loud arguments heard from her house at times when her husband was home. Clearly, she and her husband were having problems and I do not believe they were solely related to the five-year affair that she had with Barkley.

People who know both Barkley and Bennett reported that they were good people despite the wrong decisions both made in having an affair. They will be missed for a long time.

In all of this my heart goes out to the families of both Barkley and Bennett. They both left children behind. I pray that these children will be comforted and that family members, relatives, and friends will be there for them always. I also deeply feel it for the somewhat "forgotten" wife of Barkley. May God give her peace at this time. It must be very hard for her to face the fact that her husband's last night on earth was spent with his mistress. I pray that her mind will mostly dwell on the good times she had with her late husband as she acknowledges the fact that he had a relationship with another woman. May God give her strength as she works through her emotions and moans the loss of her husband.

How to Avoid Three-way Relationships

  • Resist temptation of having relationships out of your marriage or with someone who is in a relationship. If you are attracted to a person you know that you had no right to be in a relationship with you may want to distant yourself from that person. This person is not the right person you want to tell your problems to or even sit and listen to his/her problems. Many relationships begin from sharing problems.
  • Limit conversations with this person that you are attractive to. It does not matter the form of conversations whether it is by telephone or social media. Conversations can help to make you feel connected to the person you are attracted to. Some people have emotionally checked out of their relationships by having conversations with people through social media.
  • Work on not being alone with the person you are attracted to.Many relationships have started because people were in the wrong place alone.

The Dangers of Three-way Relationships

When a man or woman is cheating he or she is usually emotionally checked out of the relationship with his or her spouse at home. I know that some people are good actors and can hide the relationships but I am convinced that the heart is not capable of giving 100 percent to both relationships.Someone is getting more out of the relationship and it is is usually the woman or man on the outside.

Many people can get hurt in three-way relationships. Some of these people usually include the children and the spouse that was faithful. In Barkley's case a host of people got hurt which include his mother, siblings, children, coworkers, friends, fans, Bennett's children, and the many other people in Jamaica who depended on him for financial support and encouraging words. People are usually hurt emotionally and physically: name calling, spreading derogatory information, beatings, fights, and death. People are also hurt socially in that the cheating spouse tend to spend more time with his/her new love and dates with the spouse at home are few or  non-existence. This type of behavior also hurt the neglected spouse emotionally.

In the end it does not worth it to be involved in three-way affairs. If the cost of having an affair is hurting others or losing your life, the cost is far too high. If you are in an affair I would encourage you to end it. It may not be easy for you to end this relationship; however, it is the right thing to do and humans are  usually capable of doing whatever they made up their minds to do. If you are thinking about having an affair I pray that you will make a decision not to begin it. Try using some of the information from this post to help you resist the temptation of beginning an affair. May God give you strength as you make good choices.

Be blessed,


Saturday, October 20, 2012

How to Overcome the Venon of Gossipers

Throughout the ages there are people who find pleasure in gossiping about other people. Some of these people try to spread negative statements about others with the intention of making other people look bad and at the same time make themselves look better than the people they are gossiping about. Sometimes people will gossip about others out of jealousy: At times they want what others have but they are not willing to pay the price for the success that they see in other people. So, they go around trying to undermine others to make themselves look good. Many times these people go around and spread false statements about other people. These people can deeply hurt others especially, if their motive is jealousy. I have seen people who want what others have but they are not willing to work hard for it. They are unwilling to give up the comfort of their lives to stay up all night studying, meeting numerous deadlines, working and attending college, denying themselves vacations in order to accomplish a goal, and yet they want what others have sacrificed for. In my mind these people are no better than highway robbers who hold up people and rob them. Some of these people hope that they can cause the people who they spread negative statements about to become frustrated and give up on their goals and others hope that they can cause people to lose their jobs.

How can we Protect Ourselves from the Destructive Nature of These People?

You should have a strong sense of self. You must know who you are and if you do not know who you are you need to determine that in order to stand the attack of people who spread negative statements about you. You cannot afford to let others define you. You must define yourself. For those of us that are Christian the Bible is a good resource for helping us to define ourselves. Knowing who you are helps to enhance your confidence so that when people attack you and spread negative statements about you, you can choose not to believe the negative statements. I am not talking about constructive criticism. I am talking about people who are trying to undermine all your best efforts because they want to be in your position or they just want what you have. When these people attack you you have to be strong and determined that you have worked too hard for all that you have achieved and you will not let their venous statements prevent you from being your best self in whatever you do. You will have to encourage yourself and remind yourself of who you are and whose you are: Examples: I am a honest Christian woman, wife, mother, grandmother, sister, aunt, friend and I am a child of God. God is my heavenly Father and He loves me unconditionally. I am confident and have the necessary training for whatever I am doing. Sending positive statements to yourself will help you to withstand the evil statements that people spread about you. Also, try not to hate the people that spread false/negative statements about you, instead pray for them and forgive them. Because in forgiving them you free yourself of the burden of unforgiveness and you are free to live your life and to experience great joy.

In some cases you will need to confront those who are trying to hurt you by spreading false statements about you. Be assertive and use "I statements." Example: I do not like the way you are talking about me to my friends/co-workers. I am hurt by the statements you made about me and I am asking you to stop making them. If being assertive does not work them you may need to get help from someone in authority such as your pastor or manager. In other instances you can live above what others are saying about you by knowing who you are and not believing the lies you hear about youself.

May you experience peace and joy as you rise above the negative/false statements that people spread about you. Remember that hurting people tend to hurt others. Pray for those who hurt you and forgive them. May you prosper in everything that you do. May you receive favor everywhere you go. May God bless you richly.

Be blessed,


Thursday, October 11, 2012

Rihanna: The Real Person

A few days ago I watched Oprah's interview of Rihanna on OWN and for the first time I really saw the real person behind all the make-up and costumes. The interview took place in Rihanna's hometown, in the country of Barbados.

During the interview Rihanna appeared "real." I could see a young lady who showed emotions of happiness, sadness, and hope. I saw a person who genuinely loves her family and people in general. I saw a courageous girl who left her family at age 16 to come to America to pursue a better life. In the interview I saw a young lady who did not forget the people she grew up with. The day of the interview I saw a caring young woman who had been hurt at times; however, one that has a heart filled with love. I must confess that in other interviews that I had watched of her I was never able to see the real person. Even after she suffered physical abuse from her former boyfriend I was not able to see her true feelings. Although I was sad for her when she was physically and emotionally hurt it was hard for me to see the real persons in the interview/s she did following the abuse. This interview that she did with Oprah helped me to see her as a loving person who is very likable and caring: A real human being who is capable of displaying different emotions.

My thoughts about Rihanna, affectionately know as Robyn: her real name, are forever changed. After watching the interview I had to call up my best friend and told her what a wonderful person Rihanna is.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Living in the Moment

Some of us have hopes and dreams that we are working hard to accomplish and at times these hopes and dreams can consume us so that we have zero time for self-care. I have experienced times in my life in which I have so much to do that I had no time to work on my self-care plan. I know that was wrong and I should not allow myself to neglect taking care of myself. Therefore, I am making a conscious decision to place my self-care activities second on my To-Do-List after my devotion in the mornings.

I want to live in the moment and enjoy the many blessings that I have today. I have a family that care about me, good friends, a job, a place to sleep, and most of all I am still here. So, I praise God for all His goodness towards me. I am thankful for the peace I have in my neighborhood and for good neighbors.

What can you be thankful for today? For those of you who maybe going through challenging times take sometime to reflect on your life. This may not be easy because your situation may seem to consume you and take up all your energy. However, the fact that you are still living is a blessing. God is not done working on you. He has a plan for your life. you are suppose to be here right now. Try to be thankful for life and do this everyday and after awhile your perception of your condition may change. A thankful mind tends to think clearer.

I pray for your peace today and that you will experience real joy today!!

Be blessed,


Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Your Path Maybe Different from the One you are Pursuing

This morning I recalled a time when I was working as a part-time realtor. I really love being a realtor. I was excited to do tours of the different houses. The architectual features of the different houses were a joy to look at. I was always happy to do open houses. However, despite my interest in selling houses I was not able to make a living from this career. I came up with bright ideas and shared those ideas with others and other people  benefited from my ideas. I did not do a good research to know that the world of realtor was a "dog eat dog world" I remember one time I was doing open-house for an agent and I was a very new realtor and I asked him to assist me with an interested buyer who walked through the house while I was doing open-house for him. The agent worked with the buyer and kept all the commission for himself. Towards the beginning of the housing market melt-down, I decided that I would no longer work as a realtor because I was only going into debt with putting the houses on the market and not selling the houses so that I could financially benefit from my labor. Therefore, I made a conscious decision to only pursue my life-long dream of being a nurse.

By putting in all my efforts on becoming a nurse my hard work and sacrifices paid off. It was not easy to reach where I am today. I faced rejection from some nursing schools. I was on the waiting lists twice at one college and still did not get in. I had excellent GPA and still could not get into nursing schools until I applied at the college that I believe was right for me.

I strongly believe that there is a place for all of us and until we find that place we can face many disappointments in life. The first time I applied at the first college that I obtained my Associate Degree in Practical Nursing I was accepted by the college. I was also fortunate to get into the LPN-BSN program at a university a year after graduating with my LPN. After obtaining my LPN all the colleges that I had applied to previously for the RN program accepted me; however, I chose to pursue the BSN.

It was not my intention to pursue a LPN program. I wanted to do the RN program but God had the LPN path for me. I only applied for the LPN program because I was not getting into the RN programs. However, it was the LPN program that qualified me for the LPN- BSN program. Today, I am very happy for this path that God has taken me through because I am now a BSN RN.

Trust God to lead you in the path that He has for you. His path may be totally different from yours but God's path for you is the best path for your life.

Be blessed,


Sunday, September 9, 2012

A Note to My Readers

Dear Readers,

I am taking some time off from blogging and will be back with God's help during October, 2012. After studying for so long in college I am taking a beak right now. I hope all is well with you and hoping that you are still focus and working on your goal/s. I wish you all the best in all that you do.

Be blessed,


Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Texting and Driving a Fatal Combination

Today, I viewed the most horrifying photograph of an accident that involved a motorist that was texting and driving. While texting the motorists car went under a semi-trackter trailler and the motorists was killed instantly. One passerby reported that the head of the motorist/driver was on the back-seat of the car and the cellphone was still in the hand of the driver of the car. My prayers are with the family of this person who died such a tragic way in an untimely death. May the soul of this peson rest in peace.

We need to do much more in educating everyone in our circles to not text and drive. We are losing too many lives to this very preventable action. Please warn your family, friends, neighbors, and coworkers about the dangers of texting and driving. Encourage everyone that you have spoken to about not to text and drive to sign a commitment sheet/pledge to not text and drive.

Please start today in helping to save as many lives as you can, by encourging people to make the decision to not text and drive. Thanks for your help in this worthy cause!!

Friday, June 15, 2012

Happy Birthday to A very Special Daughter

                                                 Happy Birthday to YOU!!!

It seems like just yesterday that my beautiful daughter was born. The years seem to have flown away because today you are a grown woman. My dearest daughter I wish you a very Happy Birthday and pray that the dreams that you hold in your heart will materialize. May the blessings from God your Father overtake you everyday of your life and may you be highly favored. I pray that you will have a wonderful day! May peace, happiness, health, wealth, and protection be yours now and throughout the rest of your life!!  May you be closer to God today than you were before and may His loving hands lead and guide you always!! I love you!!!

                                     Enjoy Your Special Day


                                    Happy Birthday to You: By Stevie Wonder

                                                 Listen, watch, and enjoy!!!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Welcome Roland



 Errol, Joy, and Corrie (daughter-in-law)

                                                Errol, Andre, son, and Corrie


This morning my grandson, Roland, came into the world at 11.30 AM. Today is a very happy moment for me because I am a grandmother of the most handsome grandson in the world. My daughter-in-law and grandson are in good health, and my son is a very proud daddy. So, Roland I want you to know that grandma loves you dearly and I am happy to be your grandmother.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Dear Readers,

Throughout this blog I have mentioned that I was pursuing my BSN and you have read many posts about the triumphs and challenges of my educational journey. I want to thank you for the encouraging words that you had given to me. Therefore, I am very happy to report to you that I graduated from college with my BSN Degree.

I am thankful to God and my support team that includes my immediate family, relatives, friends, church family, professors, members of my cohort, readers of this blog, and my coworkers for helping me on my educational path. I could not have made it without God and all of you. Thanks for all the support.

My brother Carl and I

                                   I am very happy to accomplish my goal!

I felt the love: I had members of my support group cheering me on!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Happy Birthday

Our Son

Today, our son celebrated his Birthday. My husband and I are thankful to God for blessing our son and allowing us to see him as a matured young man. Son, we wish you a Happy Birthday and pray that you will walk in peace, happiness, health, and complete prosperity all the days of your life. May blessings and favours from God be yours now and always!! We love you!!

                                             Have a Wonderful Day!!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Working On My Final Semester

It has been very busy for me this semester as I work to stay ahead of my assignments. It has been very challenging; however, I am getting to the end of my course one day at a time. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel and with God's help and the help from my support system I will walk out of the tunnel into the bright sunlight.

I know that many of you are also busy working on your goals and I wish you success in all that you do. Never give up on yourself or your goals that you know in your heart are right for you. Keep on working because the day will come when you will accomplish your goals. So, until next time may God be with you in all that you do.

       To my readers: Wishing you all the best that life has to offer!! 
                                May you live in peace and prosperity!!!
                                I pray that you will be highly favored and the blessings
                                from God will overtake you on your daily walk in life!!!

Be blessed,


Sunday, March 18, 2012

Happy Birthday To My Brother: Carl

Carl, I wish you a Happy Birthday and hope that you will take some time out of your busy schedule to enjoy your special day.  I would like you to know that I appreciate all the support that you have given me over the years. You are always dependable and you are always there when I needed you most. I love you and I am very proud of you. I am very happy to be your sister.

I pray that God will grant you the desires of your heart that are right for you and that you will live a long, happy, and prosperous life.


         Happy Birthday My Dearest Brother


Be blessed,

Your Sister, Joy


Monday, March 5, 2012

Happy Birthday to my Beautiful Sister: Vel

  Happy Birthday to my Beautiful Sister, Vel

As I reminisce on my younger sister's life I am truly thankful to God that she is celebrating another Birthday today, March 5, 2012. My dear sister, I would like to wish you a blessed day and pray that you will live a long and prosperous life. I pray that you will enjoy your day and all that you wished for on this your special day will become reality!!

I know that recently for a few months life was challenging for you and you have showed us that you are more than an over-comer.Your faith in God and support from friends and family have helped you to successfully got over your challenges.

I believe firmly that your best days are in front of you and you will move from victory to victory. Continue to stand on the Word of God and He will give you the desires of your heart that are right for your life. I love you and and pray that you live until Jesus comes back to earth again.

Be blessed.

Your sister,


Sunday, March 4, 2012

Only One Week of Spring Break: Actually Have Three Days

OK, spring break officially starts today and I am suppose to have one week off; however I have to work four days out of this break. I have many college assignments to work on and I would like to go to another state to visit my mother. What should I do? Well I cannot get everything done, so I will have to make a decision to work on the things that can be realistically done this week.

Although spring break is short, I am very thankful that I do not have to drive to college this week and I can sleep in for two mornings because I do not have my morning classes this week. I like my classes and I have fun learning the materials in these classes; nevertheless, my body is tired and I do need this break. Therefore. for two mornings I will enjoy the rare privilege of sleeping late in my bed.

For those of you on spring break I wish you an enjoyable and rejuvenating time. Take care and lots of blessings.

                                             "Making hay while the sun is shining."

Monday, February 27, 2012

Perfection in Writing

Can one reach perfection in writing? I believe one can improve his/her writing and will always be an improved writer. The more one writes the better one will get. Throughout my life writing is one of my strongest subjects. I have read hundreds of books and enjoy journaling on a daily basis. Although I have published a few poems I know that I have to keep improving on my writing skills. Will I ever become a perfect writer? I am not writing to become a perfect writer; however, I will continue to improve on my writing skills.

What do you need to continue working on so that you can improve your skills? Whatever you are working on do it with your might. I pray that you will keep on improving in everything that your hands find to do.

Write just for the pleasure of writing!

Be blessed,


Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Unable to Fulfil a Goal in a Timely Manner

Recently, I wrote about staying ahead and explained how I am keeping up with my college assignments. Well, that plan worked well for me until I caught a very bad cold last week and I am still fighting the bug. I still feel awful from whatever virus my body is fighting. Due to this illness I was unable to perform my capstone presentation yesterday. I placed a lot of work into my capstone project and was looking forward to doing the presentation. I was somewhat disappointed that I could not do the presentation; nevertheless, I am fortunate that the professor rescheduled my performance to be done after spring break.

I have learned from the disappointment of this week that you can have the best plans in place and life can throw you an event that can delay your best plans; however, the main lesson that I learned is that there are people in the world who will empathize with you and help you to be successful. My professor could have told me that I had to present my topic even though I am sick, because I attended class. I had gone to class prepared to present if the professor was unable to reschedule me. However, I know If I had presented my topic I would not have done my best because I was congested and had a headache. So, I am happy that I received another day to present my topic.

Do I still believe in staying ahead of my assignments? Absolutely, staying ahead is always good because when life throws you an unexpected event you may not find yourself too far behind.

Did you experience any set-back this week? I encouraged you to keep working on your goals and to seek the help that you need when you experience roadblocks that may delay you from accomplishing your goals.

I pray that everything that your hands find to do this week will become a blessing to you and to the people that you are connected to. May all your dreams become reality.

"The Heights that Great Men Reached and Kept were not Attained by Sudden Flight ...."

Be blessed,


Saturday, February 18, 2012

Saying Goodbye to Whitney Houston

Today the family and friends of Whitney Houston celebrated her life in a home-going service at her home town at New Hope Baptist Church, New Jersey. Houston sang in the choir of this church while she was growing up. This day was a happy and sad day as the participants  of the funeral service sang from their hearts and Bishop Jakes and Pastor Marvin Winans encouraged the family and friends. Tyler Perry also gave a very personal and emotional presentation. Some of the performers at the service included Stevie Wonder, BeBe Winans, and CeCe Winans. The service was very emotional and one could see and feel that Houston was loved by many people.

My prayers are especially with Houston's daughter and her mother. It is a hard time for them right now as they mourn the loss of a mother and daughter. I pray that they will have people, who are close to them, present in their lives for a long time as they go through the grieving process.

              Rest In Peace Whitney: You Will Always Be Remembered

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day

I wish you a  Happy Valentine's Day and hope today is everything that you anticipated. Whether you are in a relationship or you are single I hope you will take sometime out for yourself and enjoy this time. If you cannot get out today you can have dinner at home with that special someone. If you are single you can have dinner with family or a friend, and if you cannot leave home to be with family or friends have a candle light dinner by yourself. It is OK to enjoy your own company and be thankful that you are alive and in your right mind. I really hope this day is special for you!!!

Be blessed,




Saturday, February 11, 2012

Legendary Singer Whitney Houston Dead at 48

It was heartbreaking to hear the news of the passing of  legendary singer Whitney Houston: One of the greatest singers of all times. Houston was found dead today at the Beverly Hilton hotel. She was only 48 years old. Words are inadequate to express how sad I feel from the untimely death of such a talented singer. Whitney had raised the bar of singing to the highest level possible. Many aspiring singers were inspired by her talent and thrived to be their best as Houston had given the world only her best.

My prayers are with her daughter, mother, relatives, and friends. May God comfort and strengthen her family and friends during this time of surmountable grief.

Although Whitney is gone her legacy will live on in her songs. She has left behind a mark that can never be filled by anyone. She was one of a kind.

                               I Will Always Love You: By Whitney Houston

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Staying Ahead

It is approximately 2:11 PM and I am taking a break form writing my assignments. My to-do-list for today is not even half done as yet but I just had to step away form it for awhile to reenergize myself and then go back to my tasks. I am trying to stay ahead of my assignments and this is a great task because today is the only day that I will be home this week. My schedule is full with school and work tasks. Anyway, I am trying to work on my school assignments in bits at a time because the entire list is too overwhelming to think about.

How Do I Get My Projects Done On Time?

Today, I have four assignments that I am working on and half of one was already done. I have one that is due tomorrow and I have completed that one already and turned it in. The others are due in one week to two weeks from now. I have other assignments that have closer due dates but I have completed those already. With my limited time I have to stay ahead or I will not make my due dates.

Wishing you Success

I hope you too have a plan to accomplish your tasks. I wish you well in everything that you do. I pray for your success in all that you pursue that is God's plan for your life.

                       I hope you will be Inspired by this Video: Secret to Success...

Be blessed,


Thursday, January 26, 2012

Good Energy

Have you ever met someone for the first time and you felt like you have known this person forever. I have been blessed to meet a few people like this, and  yesterday I met a young woman with positive energy. The moment I met this young woman I could feel the positive energy in the room. Her conversations were positive and she appears to handle stress very well. It was pleasing to meet another person with good energy.

We should all be conscious of our attitude so that we do not enter the space of others with negative energy. To prevent us from walking around with negative energy we need to consistently examine ourselves to ensure that we get rid of any negative energy in our lives. If we cannot get rid of our negative energy by ourselves we need to seek help from others who can help us get back our peace of mind.

Here are some activities that you can do to help you have a positive energy:

  • Do daily meditation
  • Exercise regularly
  • Keep a daily journal
  • Talk to family member/friend about problems that you are facing.
  • Listen to music
  • Sing to yourself/in a choir
  • Pray
  • Read books that have positive messages
  • Visit a church
  • Join a club
  • Watch movies with positive messages
Make a conscious decision to examine yourself and get rid of negative energy. I wish you well in your journey through life.

Be blessed,


Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Hi Everyone

Hi Everyone,

Just a little update to let you know that I am super busy with school work; nevertheless, I am doing fine. I hope you are working on your goals and finding sometime to perform some self-care activities.

 I will try to write a new post whenever I can. I am off now to do some meditation and then work on some assignments.

Share with me some of your self-care activities. You my write them in the comment section.

Thank you and take care.
                                                           Enjoy this Meditation:


Be blessed,


Wednesday, January 11, 2012

I Am Still in the Race

I am still in the race to reach the goal of acquiring my BSN. I started spring semester last Monday. It is great to be back in class with the wonderful members of my cohort and to be in class with some very caring professors who took the time to know us individually. I am very excited because I can see the finish line and I have made a decision to work even harder this semester. I am a very hard worker who try to do my best at whatever my hands find to do; however, I am willing to squeeze some more study time in my schedule this semester.

 With the help of God and the people that support me I will make it to the finish line. I really want this degree and I am willing to work even harder for it. I know that my cohorts and I will accomplish this goal that we have set for ourselves because we have been working hard to reach this far and we will continue to work to the best of our abilities until we are successful.

What are you working on at this time? Whatever you are working on, I pray that you will stay in the race until you are successful. Your goals are possible. Just keep on working to the best of your capabilities and never give up and you will reach the finish line.

I pray that you my readers, the members of my cohort, the professors who are studying, and I will reap the fruit of our labor, and when that day comes when our goals are fulfilled we will remember to continue to have an attitude of thankfulness. May God bless and keep you always.

              Watch this inspirational video: Don't ever give up on your goals!!!!

Be blessed,


Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year

Happy New Year everyone!!! We made it into 2012. I wish for you a year of peace, hope, contentment, happiness, health, and prosperity. We all can start over if 2011, was not what we had anticipated. So, go ahead and write down the goals that you will be working on this year and make a plan to accomplish them. Remember that you must work on your plans in order to achieve them. Also make sure that your goals are realistic and achievable. I wish you success as you work on your goal/s, and may this year be the best year in your life!! You can do all things through Christ that gives you strength!!!

                                 I believe I can Fly: By Yolanda Adams

Be blessed,
